Women are prone to deception; it is their nature-endowed weapon.
As Schopenhauer noted, they are so good at detecting deception in others because they're so good at it themselves.
This deception is not limited to their ability to lie with a straight face. In fact, that is just beginning. They deceive us by coloring their hair, altering their shape through constrictive clothing and prostheses, and altering their height and posture with high-heeled shoes. They use colored contact lenses to fool us into thinking they have desirable green or blue eyes. They get cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of their noses and apply a multitude of cosmetics to their faces and skin designed to fool us into thinking they are younger than they actually are. They carefully select clothes which are designed to make them appear thinner. In addition, their deception extends to where they live. You have probably noticed that when a woman decides to change men, she often changes her physical location. After creating social chaos in one area, she'll look for a new, uninformed pool of men who will find any story she decides to relay as plausible.
"Women's Liberation" unleashed behavioral patterns that contributed to declining completed fertility rates and undermined high-investment parenting strategies. (The resulting demographic damage may lead to the death of Western Civilization.) Female psychology and behavior are considerably more malleable than male psychology and behavior. Tighten public morality and women become Victorian prudes. Loosen public morality and it's nipple, tongue and clit piercing time! An anarchistic, secular Khazarian mafia cultural milieu plus malleable female psychology and behavior equals social disintegration. It's that simple!
My sincere condolences to your angst and outrage.
An article was once written stating:
Women are prone to deception; it is their nature-endowed weapon.
As Schopenhauer noted, they are so good at detecting deception in others because they're so good at it themselves.
This deception is not limited to their ability to lie with a straight face. In fact, that is just beginning. They deceive us by coloring their hair, altering their shape through constrictive clothing and prostheses, and altering their height and posture with high-heeled shoes. They use colored contact lenses to fool us into thinking they have desirable green or blue eyes. They get cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of their noses and apply a multitude of cosmetics to their faces and skin designed to fool us into thinking they are younger than they actually are. They carefully select clothes which are designed to make them appear thinner. In addition, their deception extends to where they live. You have probably noticed that when a woman decides to change men, she often changes her physical location. After creating social chaos in one area, she'll look for a new, uninformed pool of men who will find any story she decides to relay as plausible.
"Women's Liberation" unleashed behavioral patterns that contributed to declining completed fertility rates and undermined high-investment parenting strategies. (The resulting demographic damage may lead to the death of Western Civilization.) Female psychology and behavior are considerably more malleable than male psychology and behavior. Tighten public morality and women become Victorian prudes. Loosen public morality and it's nipple, tongue and clit piercing time! An anarchistic, secular Khazarian mafia cultural milieu plus malleable female psychology and behavior equals social disintegration. It's that simple!