DNA testing of Michael Obama and his gender.
Make it go viral on twitter and see what he does. It would make my month or my year to see this happen.
Gender benders getting pressured to get DNA gender test because we all know, Mike.
Normies may not, but this needs to get attention. This is a lie that would wake everyone up. They lied about Michael being a woman?? What else have they lied about? This is normie narration because we all know they lied about everything.
It’s funny I was just thinking about something like this the other day. It would be so easy to get a glass, or some type of utensil that Michelle Obama has used at an event, etc. and then take it somewhere and have it tested. I’m sure somebody that works for a catering company, or something like that would be able to pull it off, but since everybody knows nobody really seems to care. My thought was actually getting her DNA and then having it tested against their children which we know aren’t theirs