The person floating on the water was likely William Martin of the Royal Marines. This was a ruse used by the British military in WW2 code named “Operation Mincemeat”. They took a homeless man from Spain who was found dead in a factory after eating rat poison. They dressed him up as a military officer, put forged intelligence papers on his body, and launched him out of a submarine using the propeller current to push his body up on the shoreline of Spain. His real name was Glyndwr Michael. The entire story can be read here
This entire mission was devised by Ian Fleming who would later write the James Bond 007 novels. He stole the idea from a previous book. It fits perfectly into the theme of the video and feels very much like a false flag deception plot to divert from the true missions intent. Fascinating how things repeat themselves and how fiction and reality are hard to differentiate these days.
In a side note, the smoke in the Chernobyl forest scene is moving backwards back into the fire. Not sure what that means, but is clearly intentional.
I have to credit my son with making the above connection. We were watching the video together and he said “that reminds me of the deception used in WW2 to throw off the Germans.” I have to admit I had no idea. He is homeschooled, so he is way smarter than me. God bless
The person floating on the water was likely William Martin of the Royal Marines. This was a ruse used by the British military in WW2 code named “Operation Mincemeat”. They took a homeless man from Spain who was found dead in a factory after eating rat poison. They dressed him up as a military officer, put forged intelligence papers on his body, and launched him out of a submarine using the propeller current to push his body up on the shoreline of Spain. His real name was Glyndwr Michael. The entire story can be read here This entire mission was devised by Ian Fleming who would later write the James Bond 007 novels. He stole the idea from a previous book. It fits perfectly into the theme of the video and feels very much like a false flag deception plot to divert from the true missions intent. Fascinating how things repeat themselves and how fiction and reality are hard to differentiate these days.
In a side note, the smoke in the Chernobyl forest scene is moving backwards back into the fire. Not sure what that means, but is clearly intentional.
I have to credit my son with making the above connection. We were watching the video together and he said “that reminds me of the deception used in WW2 to throw off the Germans.” I have to admit I had no idea. He is homeschooled, so he is way smarter than me. God bless
Ah, yes! I remember reading about Operation Mincemeat -- thanks to this board!
Smoke going into fire = time or entropy being reversed, something being restored. The piano at 1:21 could also mean cultural control.
The forest looks like a "controlled burn" or "prescribed burn".