Thank you mothers and ALL women that want to be mothers, plan to be mothers, act as mothers, want children, can't have children, have lost children, and will have children. You are ALL to be celebrated!
You are the fabric of our nation. You hold us all together with your LOVE, devotion, sacrifice, commitment, persistence, hope, patience, and understanding. You are warriors and lovers. You are needed, respected, and appreciated every single day.
Without you, we would not exist. Yes, only a mother can produce a child, and it's amazing. It's God's miracle and proof that HE LOVES US ALL.
We couldn't do what we are doing without you. TOGETHER, We Ride. TOGETHER We WIN.
Thank you mothers and ALL women that want to be mothers, plan to be mothers, act as mothers, want children, can't have children, have lost children, and will have children. You are ALL to be celebrated!
You are the fabric of our nation. You hold us all together with your LOVE, devotion, sacrifice, commitment, persistence, hope, patience, and understanding. You are warriors and lovers. You are needed, respected, and appreciated every single day.
Without you, we would not exist. Yes, only a mother can produce a child, and it's amazing. It's God's miracle and proof that HE LOVES US ALL.
We couldn't do what we are doing without you. TOGETHER, We Ride. TOGETHER We WIN.