Poor neighborhoods have no jobs! - Let all the illegals Stay!
MY body My Choice! - Take the Vaccine or we'll crush your soul!
Corporations are Evil! - I obey all my corporate overlords MSM opinions!
2016 was Stolen by a few russian trolls! - 2020 was fair and free!
Reps are Nazis! - We must Censor/Attack them & become Socialists!
More Billions for Climate Research! - They can't Manipulate the weather!
Reps are Racist! - Whites are responsible for every evil ever!
Defund the Police! - Only Police should have guns!
It's endless...
They claim "Climate change is real" on one hand, yet they support expansion of global trade at the expense of domestic production which would ensure higher carbon emissions from the transport and delivery of goods and raw materials for production, on the other hand.