- The CDC.
- The WHO.
- The governments of all those countries who mandated masks, tests and/or injections.
- The vaccinators/medics/doctors/nurses/paramedics
- The schools
- The Hospitals
- The Health trusts
- The Health departments
- Most corporations
- Scientists who advised the above.
- MPs/government ministers
- The Unions
- Shops
- Transport systems
- The police
- The army
- Anyone who conspired, aided and abetted, or was complicit in assisting any of the above.
I’m exhausted just from writing that list….
It’s so depressing to realise that so many members of our society are CLUELESS about the Nuremberg Code, the Nuremberg Trials and the Rule of Law.
All those in breach of the Nuremberg Code WILL be held liable for their actions and omissions in imposing/mandating/directions/policies/statements/advertising etc in relation to tests, masks and injections
Don't forget the MSM & Hollywood.
The Nuremberg code doesn't apply to these well tested, fully safe, and highly effective vaccines.
Vaccination is a choice, you just can't work or go anywhere if you aren't vaccinated, but that's not coercion, it's completely your choice.
Just because those assholes say something, it doesn't make it true.
If there aren't public executions for politicians and health officials, I will not be satisfied.
I agree.
Never forget!!!....
"I was just following orders" is not a defence either.
Let’s be specific with names.