posted ago by DeepDMingDeep ago by DeepDMingDeep +31 / -0

I’ll break it down into a conversation I just had. It stems from an idea that collectively, there is a consciousness we are at the end of a certain era, and entering into a new one. This isn’t mysticism, or spiritualness, it’s evident from what we know on GAW, but also normies are picking up on reality starting to ‘leak.’

Me: “Hey, I know this is weird. But, could I ask you a question?”

Guy I talked to for 2 minutes about music: “I guess.”

Me: “Do you get the sense, like, everything is about to change?”

Guy: “Like, what do you mean?”

Me: “I don’t know. Like, everything. The whole world. Like, within a 24-hour period sometime soon, everything is going to be completely different.”

Guy: “I mean, maybe. Wouldn’t surprise me, I guess.”

Me: “Some lady asked me the same question a couple days ago and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

Guy: “Yeah. I get it.”

Me: “Sorry. You know, a thousand things going on up there.” (Laughs, points at head)

Guy: “Me too. Yeah, my dad sends me stuff all the time about stuff going on that’s not in the news.”

Me: (acting surprised) “Wow. Really? Like what?”

Guy: “Stuff like Disney being shady, and rich people being in demonic cults. Some of it is way out there stuff.”

Me: “Does he think some big change is coming?”

Guy: “I don’t know. Probably.”

Me: “Cool. Well, I was just trying to figure out if it was just me, or if everyone felt something was about to happen.”

Guy: “I don’t think it’s just you. Something definitely needs to happen.”

Me: “You ain’t wrong.”

For the record, I preserved the intent of the conversation to the best of my memory, made it shorter, more readable, and easier to understand.

Point is: by asking if they sense something monumental is about to happen, it prompts them to answer that question. If they say yes, then natural curiosity becomes ‘well, what is it likely to be?’ If it is no, at least the inkling is put into their head the next time someone asks or when they actually start seeing movement happen in the world.

Personally, I believe God is intervening to save humanity from a bind we are unable to get out of without His help. I think the political portion of the awakening will just be one small part of the Great Awakening.