Woman is getting her 6th abortion and liberals say this is normal
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SERIOUSLY. You can get birth control underage without parent permission. You’d think after the first abortion you’d be like shit that was close and uh do something to prevent that.
This is what I seriously don’t get. I am pro life and am 100% for cheap birth control. You have the pill, IUD’s. Condoms etc. if a woman is on the pill/IUD, the man is using protection and the man pulls out it is impossible to get pregnant.
Not trying to brag at all cause I do regret it and wish I would have gone for a real relationship earlier in life but when I was in my young to mid 20’s I slept with tons of women. Zero pregnancies. With all the options available you basically have to be an idiot to get pregnant. I understand sometimes that birth control fails but that’s what pulling out is for too.