20 more GME and 100 more AMC here. Watch this narrative beginning to unfold in the market news segments; ‘The apes and meme stock holders are ruining your 401k’. And so the division sowing and finger pointing begins. Not the truth, that the hedgefunds did this to themselves and to their 401k investments for you!
✔ Bought 10 more this morning.
See you on the moon, fren.
20 more GME and 100 more AMC here. Watch this narrative beginning to unfold in the market news segments; ‘The apes and meme stock holders are ruining your 401k’. And so the division sowing and finger pointing begins. Not the truth, that the hedgefunds did this to themselves and to their 401k investments for you!
I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Us apes will have to keep a low profile for a while as the truth is slowly exposed.
What? That the greedy hedgefucks did this?
Brutal? Only because I’m all out of money and can’t buy the dip’s dip!
I’m prepared to throw my phone in the pond when MOASS starts. I don’t wanna hear anything from anyone