I hope so because if there's one thing we've learned from history, it's the Santa Inc. Elf communists will conclude one communist revolution with the starvation of millions of Christians before fleeing into another white nation, claiming to be innocent victims... and ten years later trying to kill their new Christian host.
The human race has been kicking that Santa Inc. Elf can down the road for millennia. We all know what fucked-up Satanic monsters they all are. The Elf Question needs a Final Answer for the sake of everyone's children and grandchildren.
I think he is referring to the Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered. Russian soldiers treated them well, with shelter, food, and protection.
I hope so because if there's one thing we've learned from history, it's the Santa Inc. Elf communists will conclude one communist revolution with the starvation of millions of Christians before fleeing into another white nation, claiming to be innocent victims... and ten years later trying to kill their new Christian host.
The human race has been kicking that Santa Inc. Elf can down the road for millennia. We all know what fucked-up Satanic monsters they all are. The Elf Question needs a Final Answer for the sake of everyone's children and grandchildren.
They're more than overdue for their lumps.