Link to the study is in the article.
He explains it quite nicely, but we have to take into account, this is just the first step.
What they still have to check is whether mask-wearing decreases the aerosolized antibodies shed ....
Is it in sweat? Urine? etc.
My question is whether to erect a separation in society worse than any of the racial laws ever could conceive off.
True story. I would love feedback . 10 months ago my dentist dropped a titanium crown down my throat. Stressful enough but he insisted I see my doctor to find out if it was in my lungs. I didnt have a doctor so book a local surgery only to find out it was doubling as a vax clinic. After sharing an enclosed room with recently vaxed people for 30 mins, I finally get to see doc who wants to take my blood pressure. 210/160. SHIT he wants me to go directly to hospital etc. My blood pressure was normally low and yes I do have "white coat" issues but none of this added up. I am a skilled talker and managed to convince him I would take myself to hospital bla bla bla. Anyway I did have palpitations and other weird symptoms which decreased and now I feel fine. Shedding is the only explanation that made sense. PS Also did a CDS detox a couple months ago. Great.
Experienced same exact scenario.. The inconsistency with exposure and symptoms is the reason why I can’t fully say it’s shedding.