I've traveled pretty far and wide in my life time from Europe to Mid East to Canada and SE Asia. One thing that I have noticed is that boomers here in NA are the most selfish group of people I have ever met in my entire life.
They have lived the golden life no generation in the history of mankind lived and they don't wanna let go. My wife's boomer parents are the definition of it. They live in Canada.
Scared of their own shadows. If you put a gun to these peoples head and asked for an original thought on government they would repeat what CBC (their version of CNN) told them to repeat.
They live in large homes they bought for peanuts because every dollar was worth 10x what it is now and for medical coverage they will destroy 10 generations after them. They don't give two shits about what any government does AS LONG AS their 50 prescription meds are covered and they get a check. That's it.
Most of them have children and grandchildren in debt up their nose but it doesn't matter.
They will continue to stand in voting lines far more than any other demographic and vote for any faggot rat that maintains their homes (purchased for under 200k) prices moving up in an unsustainable manner.
Collapse? "Doesn't matter. I'll be dead anyway."
The worst ones in this group are the federal employees who are retired. IMO, you couldn't find a larger group of assholes in this country.
They are glued to MSM 24 hours a day. It's sickening.
EDIT: Normie boomers is what I am referring to here.
It isn't a boomer specific thing. It is a normie problem. Somewhere along the line the powers that be managed to scare people out of having opinions that might differ from the narrative (because the average person doesn't ask if the narrative differs from the truth). It is also why we gain steam in certain areas and it seems to snowball.
Look at the Ukraine situation. One week in and all the normies were praising Zelenskyy as if he were some sort of modern day George Washington. One month in and the normies were like "well, Putin still sucks", now, the only people I hear cheering Ukraine are the far leftists who still think that they were being feminist and pro-minority by voting old, white, racist, womanizer, pedoman Biden.
Unfortunately, it seems we need to do this with every topic because the media has slipped into every nook and cranny of the minds of the populace. From my experience, there are only two ways to get somebody on the MAGA/awakening train.
Option 1: Enough of their former opinions fall out of the mainstream misinformation zone. Option 2: They hit their own precipice. For example, I know some people who turned away from the left because everyone was pushing to vax kids and this couple had kids and were wondering why people were pushing to vax kids even before it was approved. Another former leftist is coming around because their stock portfolio has tanked a ton in the past month. Another anti-trump is turning because gas prices are so high.
Q's precipice means both personal and societal, I believe. Maybe the brink of economy collapse, maybe the brink of WW3? Who knows. I can't imagine it is too far off under Pedopotato though.