Anyone else's pet's start acting weird tonight?
🐶 Research Wanted 🐱
Ears are laid back out of the blue and my cats won't leave our sides. Never in the 14 years we have had them... Edit for my location. This is still happening. Middle Tn
Homo sapien animal here - this afternoon for the first time in 20 years, I had a massive anxiety episode bordering on full panic attack. Was able to tamp it down when I realized what it was but scared me half to death. Came on completely out of the blue. Nothing going on that would have triggered it. Louisiana
Just thought I'd add my experience. Maybe others here have had the same?
Thanks, I live on a low histamine diet because of anaphylaxis reactions. My husband cleaned out air filters the other day. Will take a quercetin when I get up. Thanks again!
That is weird! Any sounds or smells that could have unknowingly triggered a stressful memory?
Not a thing - thanks for the suggestion though!
Man, that's scary stuff❤
Yes- pretty terrifying