If you read far enough , you’ll see this author is a true self abasing white guy, using work terminology, horrified that AI might use its power to become RACIST AI… (LOL).
He writes, “ Disclaimer: I’m white. I’m glad I got to contribute, and I am happy to write about this topic, but that does not mean I am somehow an authority on the lived experiences of minoritized racial groups. ( this seems to have become the standard woke paragraph white sociologists include in all research articles now.)
He couldn’t understand why the computer scientists and junior researchers were not as woke and horrified!
“The more clinical and safety/bias related researchers were shocked, confused, and frankly horrified by the results we were getting. Some of the computer scientists and the more junior researchers on the other hand were surprised by our reaction. They didn’t really understand why we were concerned.”
Reading further, it’s clear that this entire useless experiment was set up by “Social scientists” and probably funded by some government grantgrant (taxpayers?)
It’s come to this…. All social researchers are now looking for racism in every aspect of society, in order to prove there is racism in every aspect of society.
Now they are horrified to discover “self identified” race can be identified from x rays….
I kind of wonder if the computer programmers are having a laugh.
If you read far enough , you’ll see this author is a true self abasing white guy, using work terminology, horrified that AI might use its power to become RACIST AI… (LOL).
He writes, “ Disclaimer: I’m white. I’m glad I got to contribute, and I am happy to write about this topic, but that does not mean I am somehow an authority on the lived experiences of minoritized racial groups. ( this seems to have become the standard woke paragraph white sociologists include in all research articles now.)
He couldn’t understand why the computer scientists and junior researchers were not as woke and horrified!
“The more clinical and safety/bias related researchers were shocked, confused, and frankly horrified by the results we were getting. Some of the computer scientists and the more junior researchers on the other hand were surprised by our reaction. They didn’t really understand why we were concerned.”
Reading further, it’s clear that this entire useless experiment was set up by “Social scientists” and probably funded by some government grantgrant (taxpayers?)
It’s come to this…. All social researchers are now looking for racism in every aspect of society, in order to prove there is racism in every aspect of society.
Now they are horrified to discover “self identified” race can be identified from x rays….
I kind of wonder if the computer programmers are having a laugh.