They really want all of the newborn babies dead don't they?
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Homemade Formula
Ingredients*: 2 cups of filtered water 2 tsp collagen protein 4 tbsp. lactose 2 cups raw whole, grass-fed milk 2 tbsp. heavy cream 1 capsule contents Lacto (optional, for lactose digestion support) ¼ teaspoon acerola powder ¼ teaspoon of infant probiotics 2 teaspoons nutritional yeast flakes ½ teaspoon of cod liver oil 1 teaspoon expeller pressed sunflower oil 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons coconut oil (optional) ¼ teaspoon butter oil *This recipe has been adapted from the Weston A Price Foundation. Please visit
Normie NPC parents are to blame. God will take care of these children one way or another.
Can't let the second generation clot-shot side effects start to show up yet.......
Only the American babies. Those smuggled in from the south are very well fed.
Sooner, rather than later, people will demand his departure.
Gateway Pundit fear porn.