CONTRIBUTORS: Y'all know how much the mod team supports our hard working researchers and decoders! We prefer stickying YOUR content rather than hogging the top posts ourselves (it's true). Help us help you! PLEASE use descriptive titles, especially for breaking news items! Thank you!
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Somehow related topic: there are comments and posts
that say that there are lesser high value contribution posts,
that probably many left this forum,
that there are too many posts that are Q-unrelated
This all could be supported and directed via stickies of those things that really match the wanted criterias. @mods
-> Sticky only that what you want this forum should look like then everybody will strife to fulfill these criteria. This is how our brain functions, we all crave for acknowledgement and success, therefore we like treats like a sticky.
But I see so much crap stickied lately.
It would be so easy to shape this forum the right way.