Clif High: Legislator Be Advised - Collaboration with WEF or WHO is TREASON You WILL be Punished!
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How many times do we tell everyone, you just wait and boy are they going to get it and how many times do we look like conspiracy idiots, because nothing ever happens in the public eye?
I have lost more friends for sounding like an idiot by saying someone will be punished for their deeds. Whether people believe as we do or are completely asleep, EVERYONE knows the elite do not face consequences for their crimes.
I totally understand. I don't want to be "the boy who cried wolf".
We know they've been lying to us just about everything. The one thing you can't do is get ahead of your reinforcements ala General George Armstrong Custer or you will be savaged. Remember he went it alone but the other Cavalry was coming full head with Gatling guns?
Vaccine side effects? No problem. You tell the people about Ivermectin and advise against getting anymore shots.
There has to be a time when the EBS is intiated and the people informed.
Custer sent the message for the multi pronged attack to push forward, but some held back.
He didn't do it out of bravado, per se, just that the communication breakdown when the other fronts didn't push forward and his Intel underestimating the amount of Indians actually at Little Big Horn did him in.
Didn't the Indians have Winchester's and Custer's men had single shot Springfield 45 70 carbines?
Custers men were hacked to pieces as the Indians didn't want them coming back in the after life.
A side note, there was a Twilight Zone episode about that event and of course it was about going back in time. It was pretty good.
I just tell 'em "The best is yet to come", and just wait and see what that means..
I like it and sound advice. Also positive and uplifting.