And God came from where exactly? The very same nothing. The "Big bang' is a simplification of an observation. That being that the Universe is expanding. That's all it is nothing more. That there was an explosion of some grand proportion is just an extrapolation of the observation. The observation raises questions thats it.
God didn't come from anything, he always was, and always will be, there is no beginning, he just is, time is of no concern to him, he lives outside of it.
That notion is impossible for creatures of time like us to understand, as we are atm anyway.. all we can do is acknowledge that, and leave the understanding for much, much later in our existence (hint, it won't be in this life)
The modern, so called "scientists", are convinced they know everything there is to know, even though they are a little speck in a huge planet, that itself is a speck in a solar system, which itself is a speck in a constellation and so on.
They obverse phenomena millions of light years away, without having the first fucking clue of what is really in between all that space that could, potentially, mess with all those photons they're receiving...
And for the things they can't even observe there's the crazed theoretical physics department... theories based on theories based on theories, and the more theories continue to be built on top of one another, more the system protects itself against any dissenting opinions, one goes down, they all do.
I believe they're wrong about everything, the age of the universe, the age of this planet, nature of matter, time... it just doesn't add up, but woe is to he who questions the settled "science"....
As long as they continue to deny the existence of God, they'll get nowhere, their "science" could more aptly be called magic by this point, they've abandoned the requirement for causation.
But... do you have a clue then? No you don't. You know far less about anything than the average scientist.
You just say: "It is god" and stop thinking. If I were god, I would be very angry at people like you. Why did he give you a brain if you are not going to use it?
Why didn't god just create robots? He could have modeled free will with a random number generator easily.
What do you actually mean with "god"? There have been thousands in the past. Which one is the "real" one that exists?
You are an atheist for all these gods... except for one. I am just more consistent and say even that one is probably BS.
There have been thousands in the past. Which one is the "real" one that exists?
There's only one, because there can only be one source and center of all things, the "thousands" in the past have never been, they're just products of people trying to make sense of things.
Plus, I do believe that even though the source and center is only the one, he has many facets, and even though there's only one God, there are many deities, who run this universe.
You're just a simplistic mind, who looks at the state of religion, find it wanting and then throw the baby out with the bath water.
And whatever the average "scientist" knows is irrelevant, if your initial assumption is wrong, everything else will also be, and the initial assumption required to be part of that club nowadays is, there is no God.
If they assumed there is God, and everything flows from him and through him, they'd look at all matter and energy in a totally different way, instead of dreaming up magical particles out of thin air to try and make sense of things they can't possibly understand.
Btw these "scientists" you worship, are in the same club of all the ones that are strongly behind the Covid BS.
I'll ask you a simple question. Would you like it if I came onto GA and started bashing Christianity? I'm not some communist. I don't worship myself or the government like most of these fake lame leftist communist "atheists". They aren't real atheists. I'm a real atheist. The real question is are you a real Christian?
Don't bother to reply. I'm not interested in debating religion. I just suggest you think long and hard about the point of us all being here. Also, listen to this basic fact and think long and hard about it.
Atheism isn't your enemy. We don't hate Christianity. Islam and Communists hate you, and they hate your god too. Why? Because someone who believes in the Christian god is FAR FAR less susceptible to their bullshit. Guess what... That same rule applies to people like me who don't believe in their god(s) either. I don't worship big government, myself(narcissism), or Allah.
Trust me when I say, they hate me even more than they hate you. Why? Because they can't just label me as a Christian to dehumanize me. Its like being a black racist. I'm a right wing Atheist. You need to wake up to the fact I'm your best friend. I defend your road side crosses , prayer in school... etc etc... more often than not.
This is wrong. Firstly it misrepresents atheism, secondly because the generalization. Maybe a minority of atheists, extreme ones, would mock - but not all atheists will. Understand: the fact is there is nothing to support atheism, nor has any argument or reasoning presented by it stood the test of time. So it's nothing, and pointless to argue, or debate, or mock someone for doing, when we can be focusing on finding the truth instead, and living as civilized beings.
Hey hey, I'm an atheist! Those are strawman arguments. No atheists thinks what you described here.
Also, I could easily say you are dumb because you believe a man with a beard lives in the sky or you believe a prophet went to heaven on a flying horse.
There are multiple levels of stupid and I think atheism is less stupid of a world view than religion.
this is a bullshit claim. literally not a single atheist thinks that the universe came from nothing. if you're talking about the big bang theory, it says that the universe has ALWAYS EXISTED as a singularity. ya know... kinda how the christian god has "always existed." but apparently that's different somehow LOL. you should make sure you actually understand the other point of view before you try to debunk it because you just look like an idiot here.
and that's not to mention how damn divisive this post is. just alienate every atheist anon here, why don't you? your post is unconstructive, and I dare say counterproductive to what we SHOULD be doing, which is UNITING people. please take your ignorant horseshit somewhere else.
Lots of triggered people in this thread. What was the first cause? None of you can answer because you refuse to realize the philosophical REQUIREMENT for a first cause. This image PERFECTLY describes atheism, which is untenable and unreasonable. Face it or regret it.
You don't want God to exist because then you have to answer for the wicked that you've done. Then you have to bow to something bigger than you, and you just won't ever do that. How GREAT you are 🙄
Douglas Adams: "This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!'"🐸
All religion is just mans way of answering questions that can't be answered. How can I be "great" if by default I'm saying I don't really know the answers. You are so busy being wrapped up in how great you are and how convinced you are that you have all the answers you can't even get it right. All you can do is project onto me your own failing. Sound familiar?(to be clear I'm talking about how leftists project a lot)
The wicked that I've done? I want to address this part thoroughly. Atheists aren't satanists. We don't kill babies in basements. We aren't all psychopaths and degenerates. I'm more "moral" than 90% of the "Christians" I've ever met and I live in Atlanta GA, the freaking buckle of the bible belt. When I was a teen I used to go to a Baptist church youth group. I was even older than most of them and I was still a virgin. One girl there was one of the biggest sluts I've ever met IRL. The others stole, broke stuff, etc etc. FAR from little angels.
I don't think god exists because he doesn't. There is no evidence of any kind he does. God is a fairy tail made up by men a long time ago to explain a dozen things no one else could explain. Its a desperate need to know what happens after death etc etc. Nothing more. Nothing less. You might as well be talking about the tooth fairy or unicorns. Just because some dude 2000+ years ago wrote it in a book doesn't make it true.
Let me clear up your confusion a little. Many wicked people(like communists) claim to be atheists. That's because its hard to worship god when you worship yourself. Its Narcissism gone mad. They worship themselves and big government. In their minds they are the government so the two become the same thing. They get a job as a bureaucrat to satisfy their petty need for power. See how that works.
Atheism isn't the problem. Narcissism is. Ironically many wicked people claim to be Christians. They slaughter millions in the name of Christianity. For most of the same reasons. They are just obsessed with their own power. So are you going to declare all Christians wicked? Grow up.
Very good point. I personally am neither an atheist nor a christian, you can say I am agnostic.
What has always fascinated me about this community is that we all know how they have been lying to us constantly about everything, how sure can we be that they didn't lie about Jesus Christ and everything in the Bible? It is one of the great ironies truly here.
If you look back at the recent history of atheism/agnosticism you will find that communism uses their playbook on us very effectively just like they have the LGBT community. See the leftist/communist know that we are actually a small fractured community. Atheists rarely agree on anything and come in a thousand flavors. Its not even like Christians or Islam were you might have 30 different flavors.
So when we do band together and try to support each other the communist show up, get themselves placed in positions of power, and then slowly but surely they layer their agenda in everything that happens. After a good long while they try to set the agenda. We are no longer debating the physics of life or whatever... instead we are supposed to be protesting Christians putting a cross on a road side 100 years ago to memorialize dead war heroes.
Then people start arguing. Our leaders, who are mostly communist plants, try to dictate to us how we will think. We rebel. They kick us out. We start over. They infiltrate and get themselves in positions of power. They dictate weird goals. We rebel... you get the idea.
The problem is the government worshiping atheists outnumber the REAL atheists. So every time we do anything the communist show up and ruin it. Without a purity test of some type which is counter productive and upsets people it never ends. So most seem to have given up. Look up Atheist Plus if you don't believe me.
Same thing with LGBT. The crazy 20% along with their deep pocket Soros allies run everything and set the agenda. Meanwhile most of the real LGBT people are like who the fuck are these guys. I don't agree with that. Throw in media control and poof its a shit-show. Your average gay man wants NOTHING to do with grooming pedo freaks... etc etc...
The problem isn't LGBT or atheism. The problem is this small faction of power mad lunatics hijack any and all issues that are small enough to use them as a wedge to gain power. Most blacks if they were told the real truth and could trust that truth would tear these idiots to shreds. Instead they are lied to and believe the lies. So they vote for Obama etc. One of many issues the lunatics have hijacked.
And God came from where exactly? The very same nothing. The "Big bang' is a simplification of an observation. That being that the Universe is expanding. That's all it is nothing more. That there was an explosion of some grand proportion is just an extrapolation of the observation. The observation raises questions thats it.
God didn't come from anything, he always was, and always will be, there is no beginning, he just is, time is of no concern to him, he lives outside of it.
That notion is impossible for creatures of time like us to understand, as we are atm anyway.. all we can do is acknowledge that, and leave the understanding for much, much later in our existence (hint, it won't be in this life)
The modern, so called "scientists", are convinced they know everything there is to know, even though they are a little speck in a huge planet, that itself is a speck in a solar system, which itself is a speck in a constellation and so on.
They obverse phenomena millions of light years away, without having the first fucking clue of what is really in between all that space that could, potentially, mess with all those photons they're receiving...
And for the things they can't even observe there's the crazed theoretical physics department... theories based on theories based on theories, and the more theories continue to be built on top of one another, more the system protects itself against any dissenting opinions, one goes down, they all do.
I believe they're wrong about everything, the age of the universe, the age of this planet, nature of matter, time... it just doesn't add up, but woe is to he who questions the settled "science"....
As long as they continue to deny the existence of God, they'll get nowhere, their "science" could more aptly be called magic by this point, they've abandoned the requirement for causation.
But... do you have a clue then? No you don't. You know far less about anything than the average scientist.
You just say: "It is god" and stop thinking. If I were god, I would be very angry at people like you. Why did he give you a brain if you are not going to use it?
Why didn't god just create robots? He could have modeled free will with a random number generator easily.
What do you actually mean with "god"? There have been thousands in the past. Which one is the "real" one that exists?
You are an atheist for all these gods... except for one. I am just more consistent and say even that one is probably BS.
There's only one, because there can only be one source and center of all things, the "thousands" in the past have never been, they're just products of people trying to make sense of things.
Plus, I do believe that even though the source and center is only the one, he has many facets, and even though there's only one God, there are many deities, who run this universe.
You're just a simplistic mind, who looks at the state of religion, find it wanting and then throw the baby out with the bath water.
And whatever the average "scientist" knows is irrelevant, if your initial assumption is wrong, everything else will also be, and the initial assumption required to be part of that club nowadays is, there is no God.
If they assumed there is God, and everything flows from him and through him, they'd look at all matter and energy in a totally different way, instead of dreaming up magical particles out of thin air to try and make sense of things they can't possibly understand.
Btw these "scientists" you worship, are in the same club of all the ones that are strongly behind the Covid BS.
And for me, it's more of "I don't know, but I'm fairly sure it's not some harder to explain magical entity that did it"
I'll ask you a simple question. Would you like it if I came onto GA and started bashing Christianity? I'm not some communist. I don't worship myself or the government like most of these fake lame leftist communist "atheists". They aren't real atheists. I'm a real atheist. The real question is are you a real Christian?
Don't bother to reply. I'm not interested in debating religion. I just suggest you think long and hard about the point of us all being here. Also, listen to this basic fact and think long and hard about it.
Atheism isn't your enemy. We don't hate Christianity. Islam and Communists hate you, and they hate your god too. Why? Because someone who believes in the Christian god is FAR FAR less susceptible to their bullshit. Guess what... That same rule applies to people like me who don't believe in their god(s) either. I don't worship big government, myself(narcissism), or Allah.
Trust me when I say, they hate me even more than they hate you. Why? Because they can't just label me as a Christian to dehumanize me. Its like being a black racist. I'm a right wing Atheist. You need to wake up to the fact I'm your best friend. I defend your road side crosses , prayer in school... etc etc... more often than not.
This is wrong. Firstly it misrepresents atheism, secondly because the generalization. Maybe a minority of atheists, extreme ones, would mock - but not all atheists will. Understand: the fact is there is nothing to support atheism, nor has any argument or reasoning presented by it stood the test of time. So it's nothing, and pointless to argue, or debate, or mock someone for doing, when we can be focusing on finding the truth instead, and living as civilized beings.
Hey hey, I'm an atheist! Those are strawman arguments. No atheists thinks what you described here.
Also, I could easily say you are dumb because you believe a man with a beard lives in the sky or you believe a prophet went to heaven on a flying horse.
There are multiple levels of stupid and I think atheism is less stupid of a world view than religion.
this is a bullshit claim. literally not a single atheist thinks that the universe came from nothing. if you're talking about the big bang theory, it says that the universe has ALWAYS EXISTED as a singularity. ya know... kinda how the christian god has "always existed." but apparently that's different somehow LOL. you should make sure you actually understand the other point of view before you try to debunk it because you just look like an idiot here.
and that's not to mention how damn divisive this post is. just alienate every atheist anon here, why don't you? your post is unconstructive, and I dare say counterproductive to what we SHOULD be doing, which is UNITING people. please take your ignorant horseshit somewhere else.
Lots of triggered people in this thread. What was the first cause? None of you can answer because you refuse to realize the philosophical REQUIREMENT for a first cause. This image PERFECTLY describes atheism, which is untenable and unreasonable. Face it or regret it.
You don't want God to exist because then you have to answer for the wicked that you've done. Then you have to bow to something bigger than you, and you just won't ever do that. How GREAT you are 🙄
Okay, so just because we do not know what the first cause is, it must be something that "cares" about us and something you can "pray" to?
Come on dude. A first cause could be entirely physical and material in nature. No need for a bearded man in the clouds.
Douglas Adams: "This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!'"🐸
All religion is just mans way of answering questions that can't be answered. How can I be "great" if by default I'm saying I don't really know the answers. You are so busy being wrapped up in how great you are and how convinced you are that you have all the answers you can't even get it right. All you can do is project onto me your own failing. Sound familiar?(to be clear I'm talking about how leftists project a lot)
The wicked that I've done? I want to address this part thoroughly. Atheists aren't satanists. We don't kill babies in basements. We aren't all psychopaths and degenerates. I'm more "moral" than 90% of the "Christians" I've ever met and I live in Atlanta GA, the freaking buckle of the bible belt. When I was a teen I used to go to a Baptist church youth group. I was even older than most of them and I was still a virgin. One girl there was one of the biggest sluts I've ever met IRL. The others stole, broke stuff, etc etc. FAR from little angels.
I don't think god exists because he doesn't. There is no evidence of any kind he does. God is a fairy tail made up by men a long time ago to explain a dozen things no one else could explain. Its a desperate need to know what happens after death etc etc. Nothing more. Nothing less. You might as well be talking about the tooth fairy or unicorns. Just because some dude 2000+ years ago wrote it in a book doesn't make it true.
Let me clear up your confusion a little. Many wicked people(like communists) claim to be atheists. That's because its hard to worship god when you worship yourself. Its Narcissism gone mad. They worship themselves and big government. In their minds they are the government so the two become the same thing. They get a job as a bureaucrat to satisfy their petty need for power. See how that works.
Atheism isn't the problem. Narcissism is. Ironically many wicked people claim to be Christians. They slaughter millions in the name of Christianity. For most of the same reasons. They are just obsessed with their own power. So are you going to declare all Christians wicked? Grow up.
Very good point. I personally am neither an atheist nor a christian, you can say I am agnostic. What has always fascinated me about this community is that we all know how they have been lying to us constantly about everything, how sure can we be that they didn't lie about Jesus Christ and everything in the Bible? It is one of the great ironies truly here.
If you look back at the recent history of atheism/agnosticism you will find that communism uses their playbook on us very effectively just like they have the LGBT community. See the leftist/communist know that we are actually a small fractured community. Atheists rarely agree on anything and come in a thousand flavors. Its not even like Christians or Islam were you might have 30 different flavors.
So when we do band together and try to support each other the communist show up, get themselves placed in positions of power, and then slowly but surely they layer their agenda in everything that happens. After a good long while they try to set the agenda. We are no longer debating the physics of life or whatever... instead we are supposed to be protesting Christians putting a cross on a road side 100 years ago to memorialize dead war heroes.
Then people start arguing. Our leaders, who are mostly communist plants, try to dictate to us how we will think. We rebel. They kick us out. We start over. They infiltrate and get themselves in positions of power. They dictate weird goals. We rebel... you get the idea.
The problem is the government worshiping atheists outnumber the REAL atheists. So every time we do anything the communist show up and ruin it. Without a purity test of some type which is counter productive and upsets people it never ends. So most seem to have given up. Look up Atheist Plus if you don't believe me.
Same thing with LGBT. The crazy 20% along with their deep pocket Soros allies run everything and set the agenda. Meanwhile most of the real LGBT people are like who the fuck are these guys. I don't agree with that. Throw in media control and poof its a shit-show. Your average gay man wants NOTHING to do with grooming pedo freaks... etc etc...
The problem isn't LGBT or atheism. The problem is this small faction of power mad lunatics hijack any and all issues that are small enough to use them as a wedge to gain power. Most blacks if they were told the real truth and could trust that truth would tear these idiots to shreds. Instead they are lied to and believe the lies. So they vote for Obama etc. One of many issues the lunatics have hijacked.
Look hard and you can see the pattern.