I had my annual physical yesterday with my doctor. She is a former AF physician and is an Internal Medicine doc. She had been pushing the jab on me for the last couple of years. She knew I am an anti vaxxer even for the flu shot. I told her 6 years ago when I moved here. (And she still wants me to take the pneumonia shot bc I am almost 70.) She claims it and the flu shots are safe. I disagree. But will reseach the pneumonia shot before I undergo that one.
Yesterday she finally admitted that we don't know the long term effects of the jabs. In addition, she mentioned that she drew the line when it came to vaxxinating her own two kids who are in HS. She even said she got all the shots but having been in the service she had to take a lot of them, but wasn't going to impose this experimental drug on her kids. However, it limits where they can go on vacations right now.
I mentioned VAIDS to her and she nodded. I had to come into see her several times this year for extra blood tests to monitor a health condition. So I talked with one of the nurses who told me they were seeing lots of Vaxxed people who were showing up with problems from the Vax also many who were upset they were getting the VID while being double and triple Vaxxed.
This nurse also told me the office she worked in did not require them to get the jab. So she was thankful for that. She would have quit before taking it.
I wonder how many other doctors are waking up?
If the powers that be weren't compromising our food, water, grooming products, household cleaning supplies with toxins, most of us would be healthy into old age.