For My Irish Anons World-Wide and Specifically in Ireland, You’re Sovereignty Is About To Be Stolen!
Watch this video Irish Patriots. You’re Sovereignty is about to be handed over to the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum! Rise Up as One countrymen! Demand this be stopped and Ireland continue to remain free. You fought and died in a war for your freedom and Sovereignty. You kept it from the British, now keep it from the WHO and WEF. Don’t fall as Scotland was forced into, and Northern Ireland wimped out into. Rise, Be Heard, Remain Free!
I listen to Computing Forever and he thinks his country is full of sheep to the point it's unsavable.
The Irish have always been experimented on by the powers of B for ages, I have no idea why they went so passively limp. Having said that, Wales, where I was born, is going that way, too!
Irish pade here,
Yip the whole country are fucking sleepwalking, it's so sad. If it's on the news, it's gospel to them. Our women are dumb cunts and the men are low testosterone fags.
Ireland is fucked.