No he didn't, he played politics, a sincere admission of guilt that was not. Same with Stormy, he paid the fees tho.
The comment was that bad, hard to trust a man who cheats on his marriage, his Family. His apology was to the media, not to Melania or We the People, it was a political mechanism there, not an admission of guilt.
Heck you're trying to say it wasn't deserving of an admission of error now.
You're like every leftist ever. Prove them wrong and they move the goalposts. First it's "he's never said such things" then it's "well he didn't mean it so it doesn't count" and if I could prove he did mean it you'd find yet another complaint to jump to and place to move the goalpost to. Just like a lefty.
Further, words aren't cheating. Making a poorly received (by people 10 years later) joke/comment is not cheating. Lockerroom talk is not cheating. Your faux-outrage also continues to make you sound exactly like a leftist. Everybody in the original video seemed to be laughing along. Yet here you are nearly 2 decades later bitching about it still.
If he did apologize to Melania we wouldn't have seen it, if we did see it you'd call it fake because it wasn't in private. You see how unreasonable this is, yes? He likely didn't even apologize to Melania to begin with because she isn't a massive pussy like you seem to be who gets triggered over nothing. Or maybe he did, YOU don't know and neither do I.
But how about this, if the apology was intended to be to we the people what should he have done differently? You probably don't know because you appear to be full of shit.
Went on national television so all the people could hear his words? Check. Apologized and talked about how he was wrong to say it and messed up, isn't perfect, and regrets saying it? Check. Was concise and to the point? Check. Moved on to talk about other things his supporters were interested in? Check. Talked about all the PEOPLE he met around the country in his travels? Check. (Bonus: actually met those people and engaged with the communities he visited? Check)
Everything he said in that video outside the apology was spot on as well and even after the main apology throughout the video he reiterated how he was sorry and made a mistake and pledged to always try and do better.
But back to your words. You, in fact, said and I quote:
"Trump has never said 'I am/was wrong', has he."
Trump's own words were:
"I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize."
You were unequivocally, undoubtedly, objectively, and wholly and completely wrong. This is an undeniable fact. You were about as wrong as you could have been considering he said the same EXACT words you claimed he didn't, rather than just a variation of the words that carry the same meaning. So basically you're verifiably full of shit and actually now the only person here who hasn't owned up to being wrong and said the words "I was wrong".
Frankly, at this point, you've gone from "regular user sharing their take" to "starting to glow/concern troll". If it walks like a leftist, talks like a leftist, and behaves like a leftist... it's probably a leftist. Even short of that you are simply being a concern troll at this point and glow to high heaven regardless of whether or not you're actually a leftist poser.
Your Wife wouldn't accept that as an apology, and Trump did not offer it up it was dragged out, and it wasn't directed to the proper person, Melania.
But fine, I was wrong. NOW what are you gonna be basely contentious about? Trump is still wrong on Oz you know, even if I concede your niggardly point about 'that' being an actual apology...
Attempting weak azz juvenile insults towards me all you got?
I said 'cheating' in regards to another time Trump was wrong, when he messed with Stormy, but I forgive him.
Attempt weak-azz juvenile insult in lieu of offering ideas, it's ok, you gotta do you.
Sure, "just insults". Only if ignore the majority of my post and the points I made. My comments are certainly peppered with insults but they exist in the tiny spaces between the large spaces which are occupied with my actual arguments.
"Dragged out of him". So is he a groveling politician who bends to the fee-fees of the media or is he some big ego who never apologizes? You couldn't make a coherent, consistent argument if it crawled up your ass and died. You also have offered no alternate ideas on any of my points in my analysts surrounding his entire apology video other than repeatedly claiming he was insincere with no further explanation.
"instead of offering ideas". Ironic. I asked you to offer ideas on how Trump could have made a sincere apology and what he should have done differently and you replied by accusing me of offering no ideas. Hmmm.....
"messed with Stormy". Don't see what you're trying to say here, unless you're a bigger shill than I thought. Your comment seemed to indicate that he was cheating due to his "grab em" comment which you had just claimed "was that bad". Maybe I was wrong and if so my bad. Regardless, all I do see is that Stormy had to pay 300k to Trump and that it was a bunch of fake bullshit pushed by a corrupt, convicted lawyer and the rest of the Trump-hating machine, including the anti-Trump Cohen who went on to bashing Trump with the rest of the swamp after the whole ordeal as well as aiding in the leaking of the secretly recorded Melania tapes that they tried to use as further propaganda for narrative painting, despite the tapes being perfectly fine to anyone who had a brain and wasn't biased.
At this point, your anti-Trump bias is becoming extremely apparent.
You also haven't denied my claim that if he publicly apologized to Melania that you would just call that insincere too as a result of it being made publicly. And clearly she's over it, he learned his lesson and didn't give her any other reasons to leave, or both as she hasn't left him and they seem as strong as ever, at least on the outside in public, which, I'll add, is the only aspect of the relationship you'll acknowledge as you refuse to accept the possibility that if Trump did cheat, which he didn't, he could have simply apologized in private when she found out, if not told Melania shortly after it supposedly happened before the whole bullshit circus show started and the claims became public to begin with.
Trump being "wrong about Oz" is dependent on why he endorsed him. If he did it to expose him as many believe he's exactly correct on Oz. If he did it because he trusts him, then he would currently appear to be wrong on Oz unless Oz makes a very quick turnaround in beliefs and actions going forward.
"Baselessly contentious"? I don't think I need to say anything about that one other than point out the pure, concentrated irony in that statement.
No he didn't, he played politics, a sincere admission of guilt that was not. Same with Stormy, he paid the fees tho.
The comment was that bad, hard to trust a man who cheats on his marriage, his Family. His apology was to the media, not to Melania or We the People, it was a political mechanism there, not an admission of guilt.
Heck you're trying to say it wasn't deserving of an admission of error now.
lol nice one,
"Trump has never apologized!"
Shows Trump apologizing
"No, not like that!"
You're like every leftist ever. Prove them wrong and they move the goalposts. First it's "he's never said such things" then it's "well he didn't mean it so it doesn't count" and if I could prove he did mean it you'd find yet another complaint to jump to and place to move the goalpost to. Just like a lefty.
Further, words aren't cheating. Making a poorly received (by people 10 years later) joke/comment is not cheating. Lockerroom talk is not cheating. Your faux-outrage also continues to make you sound exactly like a leftist. Everybody in the original video seemed to be laughing along. Yet here you are nearly 2 decades later bitching about it still.
If he did apologize to Melania we wouldn't have seen it, if we did see it you'd call it fake because it wasn't in private. You see how unreasonable this is, yes? He likely didn't even apologize to Melania to begin with because she isn't a massive pussy like you seem to be who gets triggered over nothing. Or maybe he did, YOU don't know and neither do I.
But how about this, if the apology was intended to be to we the people what should he have done differently? You probably don't know because you appear to be full of shit.
Went on national television so all the people could hear his words? Check. Apologized and talked about how he was wrong to say it and messed up, isn't perfect, and regrets saying it? Check. Was concise and to the point? Check. Moved on to talk about other things his supporters were interested in? Check. Talked about all the PEOPLE he met around the country in his travels? Check. (Bonus: actually met those people and engaged with the communities he visited? Check)
Everything he said in that video outside the apology was spot on as well and even after the main apology throughout the video he reiterated how he was sorry and made a mistake and pledged to always try and do better.
But back to your words. You, in fact, said and I quote:
"Trump has never said 'I am/was wrong', has he."
Trump's own words were:
"I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize."
You were unequivocally, undoubtedly, objectively, and wholly and completely wrong. This is an undeniable fact. You were about as wrong as you could have been considering he said the same EXACT words you claimed he didn't, rather than just a variation of the words that carry the same meaning. So basically you're verifiably full of shit and actually now the only person here who hasn't owned up to being wrong and said the words "I was wrong".
Frankly, at this point, you've gone from "regular user sharing their take" to "starting to glow/concern troll". If it walks like a leftist, talks like a leftist, and behaves like a leftist... it's probably a leftist. Even short of that you are simply being a concern troll at this point and glow to high heaven regardless of whether or not you're actually a leftist poser.
Sure, I was wrong, Trump did apologize.
Your Wife wouldn't accept that as an apology, and Trump did not offer it up it was dragged out, and it wasn't directed to the proper person, Melania.
But fine, I was wrong. NOW what are you gonna be basely contentious about? Trump is still wrong on Oz you know, even if I concede your niggardly point about 'that' being an actual apology...
Attempting weak azz juvenile insults towards me all you got?
I said 'cheating' in regards to another time Trump was wrong, when he messed with Stormy, but I forgive him.
Attempt weak-azz juvenile insult in lieu of offering ideas, it's ok, you gotta do you.
Sure, "just insults". Only if ignore the majority of my post and the points I made. My comments are certainly peppered with insults but they exist in the tiny spaces between the large spaces which are occupied with my actual arguments.
"Dragged out of him". So is he a groveling politician who bends to the fee-fees of the media or is he some big ego who never apologizes? You couldn't make a coherent, consistent argument if it crawled up your ass and died. You also have offered no alternate ideas on any of my points in my analysts surrounding his entire apology video other than repeatedly claiming he was insincere with no further explanation.
"instead of offering ideas". Ironic. I asked you to offer ideas on how Trump could have made a sincere apology and what he should have done differently and you replied by accusing me of offering no ideas. Hmmm.....
"messed with Stormy". Don't see what you're trying to say here, unless you're a bigger shill than I thought. Your comment seemed to indicate that he was cheating due to his "grab em" comment which you had just claimed "was that bad". Maybe I was wrong and if so my bad. Regardless, all I do see is that Stormy had to pay 300k to Trump and that it was a bunch of fake bullshit pushed by a corrupt, convicted lawyer and the rest of the Trump-hating machine, including the anti-Trump Cohen who went on to bashing Trump with the rest of the swamp after the whole ordeal as well as aiding in the leaking of the secretly recorded Melania tapes that they tried to use as further propaganda for narrative painting, despite the tapes being perfectly fine to anyone who had a brain and wasn't biased.
At this point, your anti-Trump bias is becoming extremely apparent.
You also haven't denied my claim that if he publicly apologized to Melania that you would just call that insincere too as a result of it being made publicly. And clearly she's over it, he learned his lesson and didn't give her any other reasons to leave, or both as she hasn't left him and they seem as strong as ever, at least on the outside in public, which, I'll add, is the only aspect of the relationship you'll acknowledge as you refuse to accept the possibility that if Trump did cheat, which he didn't, he could have simply apologized in private when she found out, if not told Melania shortly after it supposedly happened before the whole bullshit circus show started and the claims became public to begin with.
Trump being "wrong about Oz" is dependent on why he endorsed him. If he did it to expose him as many believe he's exactly correct on Oz. If he did it because he trusts him, then he would currently appear to be wrong on Oz unless Oz makes a very quick turnaround in beliefs and actions going forward.
"Baselessly contentious"? I don't think I need to say anything about that one other than point out the pure, concentrated irony in that statement.