Last night I was asked the following by u/AwakeJesusisComing21 in reference to Q post 586:
Q says there is still 40% we won't know for humanity. Putting aborted babies in our food and torturing them isn't so horrible. What the hell is in that 40%? What more could these sicko's do?
I thought I'd expound upon my comment there, and make a post from it, so here it goes...
What could they have done that merits 40% of their Evil to stay hidden for humanity's sake?
Well, they've monkey'd with our DNA, for one.
Are any of us still human anymore?
What if they cut off your connection to God?
At that moment in time, would they have killed you?
Is what you are now a husk; an empty shell; a program running the last function over and over again, disconnected from the Host?
Scary prospect. How many of us are The Walking Dead?
But, even then It gets so much worse than just sacrificing children or disconnecting us from the Source...
Full disclosure time... I've felt the Demon of Nihilism; foolishly entertained it like a party guest. It showed me things I'd rather no one ever have to feel first-hand. I share them with you, so that when you smell its stink you turn away in revulsion.
Imagine there are three birds gathered around a bag of chips in the middle of the street. You run over two with your car. One gets away.
You see that bird come up to it's dead friends; its family.
You feel so sorry for it, and guilty because you were the one responsible.
That feeling... To kill it too, so that it won't be alone anymore... So that it won't feel the pains of grief anymore... It's so sad, and you can give it release from its sadness. "What's one more life taken?" "It should have died anyway." "I'm just reuniting it with its family in heaven!"
They have cast off the idea that it's better to live in sorrow than to join the dead in their tragedy.
And so, they will slaughter countless millions for a single accident.
Someone dies in the hospital. Medical malpractice.
Their family is grieving. You have to shut them up, because they might snoop around and find you were responsible. Besides, killing them too is a mercy, it will release them from the pain of grief. You kill the most curious one by giving them bad drugs. The rest of the family grieves. You kill another who is snooping around, this time outside their house with a tire iron. And another... And another...
Covering your crime with more crimes. "It's a mercy anyway, right? Now they know the truth. Now they are with their families. Killing them now makes sure they go to heaven, right? Because they died young, what possible crimes would merit them going to hell?"
"Killing them is like sending them to heaven! It's freeing them from their sin and taking it upon me! I'm a savior, really! Like Jesus!"
On and on. False justification after false justification. Then you grow callous. Apathetic. "So many dead already, what's one more life?"
Then you grow to like it... You get creative. You find different ways to kill them. But you need a signature, so that you can keep track.
Such is the birth of a serial killer. All of them in the Cabal have been down this path, in one way or another. All it takes is a tragic event, like running over a dog... And then... "What's one more life?"
That's the 40% people aren't gonna want to see. Because it's the 40% looking back at them in the mirror. We don't want to admit, deep down, we would rather see the sad and infirm snuffed out than have to go on living another moment longer in their suffering.
That is the Heart of Nihilism; that a lifetime of happy moments do not justify even an infinitesimally short period of suffering. It is the belief that your life would then be defined by the suffering, and to prevent anyone from feeling that pain, it is better all things come to an end prematurely -- or better yet, to never exist at all.
Under that pretense... De-Population is like saving countless billions of humans from suffering, by ensuring they never exist, and therefore wouldn't be doomed to suffer.
That... That is merely a taste of how much worse it gets...
PRAY you never have to feel the Demon of Nihilism first-hand. Only by the Grace of God, or by sheer luck, did I manage to avoid its temptation. I do not recommend inviting it over, under any circumstances. It does not take a ritual circle or goofy chanting for it to appear... merely slipping for a moment into the Sin of Wrath.
yes, that does make sense, thanks. and i think that's one of the goals of this experience; to remain composed & treat people well, regardless. shows a strong character/belief in God-to not let anything get to us, even possible zombies;)