wordnerd's rebuttal of the premise that the use of the singular "they" is harmful masterful. I think he makes a fine case.
For me, however, far more interesting is your basic premise that the mind can be overloaded and pushed into unproductive and increasingly dysfunctional trends, and that the satanists/stalinists know this. In this, you are spot on.
I heard a very interesting comment yesterday in a Seth Holehouse interview:
Regarding the myriad "regulations" that regimes have been implementing in preparation for the WHO-'health'-based power grab, he stated (something to this effect):
"These are not laws. This is all spell-weaving." Point being, as we have directly observed over the past 2 years, that even if what the Cabalites are pushing is unconstitutional, if people believe that it's somehow lawful, then those people respond as such, comply and so are controlled.
There is a powerful area of spiritual interface where the satanists are essentially creating spells to push the populations into trance and hypnosis, where they comply and submit and thus become slaves. A significant part of that interface is the language element, as you rightly observe. Although you refer only to an ignorant and unstructured thought, any hypnotist or (evil) spell weaver will tell you that this is part and parcel of the methodology of beguiling the target and mentally manipulating them.
That's one of the deeper dimensions of what is being done by who you so eloquently refer to as "The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords". On the surface, it's language manipulation in order to control the narrative and edge the population towards reduced mental capacity and clarity, but the more you dig into it, it's about opening people up (making them vulnerable) to spiritual manipulation by demonic spirits who essentially rely on weaving spells in order to enslave and dominate the hearts and minds of weaker humans (on Earth and in spirit).
wordnerd's rebuttal of the premise that the use of the singular "they" is harmful masterful. I think he makes a fine case.
For me, however, far more interesting is your basic premise that the mind can be overloaded and pushed into unproductive and increasingly dysfunctional trends, and that the satanists/stalinists know this. In this, you are spot on.
I heard a very interesting comment yesterday in a Seth Holehouse interview:
Regarding the myriad "regulations" that regimes have been implementing in preparation for the WHO-'health'-based power grab, he stated (something to this effect):
"These are not laws. This is all spell-weaving." Point being, as we have directly observed over the past 2 years, that even if what the Cabalites are pushing is unconstitutional, if people believe that it's somehow lawful, then those people respond as such, comply and so are controlled.
There is a powerful area of spiritual interface where the satanists are essentially creating spells to push the populations into trance and hypnosis, where they comply and submit and thus become slaves. A significant part of that interface is the language element, as you rightly observe. Although you refer only to an ignorant and unstructured thought, any hypnotist or (evil) spell weaver will tell you that this is part and parcel of the methodology of beguiling the target and mentally manipulating them.
That's one of the deeper dimensions of what is being done by who you so eloquently refer to as "The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords". On the surface, it's language manipulation in order to control the narrative and edge the population towards reduced mental capacity and clarity, but the more you dig into it, it's about opening people up (making them vulnerable) to spiritual manipulation by demonic spirits who essentially rely on weaving spells in order to enslave and dominate the hearts and minds of weaker humans (on Earth and in spirit).
The World Help-Pharma Organization
Preppiette Eruption
They seek to create a mental vacuum, which can't sustain itself and must suck in the loudest and most frequent propaganda.
As for manipulation through false language, how can "clueless" (a richgirl Valley Girl invention) mean "stupid"? Here is its only logical meaning:
There was no evidence, nothing to go on. The detective was clueless.