If you plant corn, plant a lot. Even 10 stalks is not enough. Two dozen would be a minimum to ensure the flowering process is successful.
YouTube and rumble videos are verrrrry helpful. Lots of backyard farmers out there sharing their experiences. It can be a lot of r&d and expenses. Learn from their mistakes! Less costly.
YES! Everyone loves that corn on the cob in the summer months. Fresh cut fried corn on the stove. Mmmm! Reminds me of my grandmothers. And how we canned the corn by the quarts. Nothing like home canned good corn in the cold winter months.
Thank you! Anything else you recommend I plant in 7a for August? I have seen cabbage and root veg do well. I have a greenhouse that is getting way too hot and humid so im moving it into a shady spot of the yard to try to use it this year.
If your dirt is still workable in August (not baked to stone), then peas, beans, broccolli, cauliflower should all do fine planted in Aug and harvest in late October.
If you plant corn, plant a lot. Even 10 stalks is not enough. Two dozen would be a minimum to ensure the flowering process is successful.
YouTube and rumble videos are verrrrry helpful. Lots of backyard farmers out there sharing their experiences. It can be a lot of r&d and expenses. Learn from their mistakes! Less costly.
YES! Everyone loves that corn on the cob in the summer months. Fresh cut fried corn on the stove. Mmmm! Reminds me of my grandmothers. And how we canned the corn by the quarts. Nothing like home canned good corn in the cold winter months.
Do i still have time to germ seeds? Zone 7a
Seeds germinate quickly for corn. You should be good to start now, but don’t plant outside until consistent 70 degree temps.
It is late to germ seeds now as they will be trying to mature in high summer, but you can plant in August and have a nice October harvest before frost
Thank you! Anything else you recommend I plant in 7a for August? I have seen cabbage and root veg do well. I have a greenhouse that is getting way too hot and humid so im moving it into a shady spot of the yard to try to use it this year.
If your dirt is still workable in August (not baked to stone), then peas, beans, broccolli, cauliflower should all do fine planted in Aug and harvest in late October.
You can do it in an InstantPot.