There is video of 0bama talking to MSM reporters shortly after the election where he candidly answers a question and says (paraphrased) "there was no Russian collusion." He was walking by a pack of reporters (outdoors, in WashingtonDC iirc) and he even had the facial expression (flinched) that said that's a silly question, and my idiot colleagues are actually trying to push that bullshit smh.
It didn't get much attention at the time, and I have never seen that video clip since 2016. But that video is out there, somewhere. If anyone can find that clip, it would be really fun, and useful to toss around in various circles.
There is video of 0bama talking to MSM reporters shortly after the election where he candidly answers a question and says (paraphrased) "there was no Russian collusion." He was walking by a pack of reporters (outdoors, in WashingtonDC iirc) and he even had the facial expression (flinched) that said that's a silly question, and my idiot colleagues are actually trying to push that bullshit smh.
It didn't get much attention at the time, and I have never seen that video clip since 2016. But that video is out there, somewhere. If anyone can find that clip, it would be really fun, and useful to toss around in various circles.
There is not much love between the Obama and Hillary camp.
But the African went along with it.