DieHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

400 million?

Not even cose, try double that number. Those are only the ones they know about.

DieHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just remember this:

When you come up the driveway and suddenly hear the "Ride of The Valyries" come blaring from the trees on the ridgeline behind you, it will already be too late.

DieHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you were a satanic pedophile billionaire who the democrats have enough blackmail material on to completely destroy you, how much money are you willing to give in order to remain both alive and free?

A few million? A hundred million? Half your net worth?

DieHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

And in the rank and file, the far left Palestine supporters vs the Old Guard pre-Israel no matter what geriatric wing of the democrat party.

DieHeretic 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not gonna happen. For more than eight years the Obama cabal has been inching Clinton off the stage and no way will they just hand the democrat party back to her. They hate Hillary about as much as we do.

DieHeretic 5 points ago +5 / -0

She got appointed to the head job at the SS due to her working Biden's detail as SS when he was VP. That's where she got chummy with Biden. She then got a dei job at PepsiCo when he left office due to connections and a few phone calls on her behalf, then got appointed head of the SS when Biden was installed as president and here we are.

She must be Grand Master level of totally incompetent, failed upward her entire career because of who she knows.

DieHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

The incompetent porky one in this video who was surprised to look at her hand only to find she was carrying a handgun and looked for cover as soon the first shots rang out instead of doing they/them/their job is known as "Ducky".

DieHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Typical hate-filled dyke. They despise themselves and hate the entire world.

DieHeretic 2 points ago +3 / -1

No more. Use their own tactics against them, make them live up to the rules they themselves impose on all others.

Make them fear the consequences of running their mouths.

Not doing so is why we lose.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

They certainly do.

They want war and want it now.

They believe with the government backing them they cannot lose.

Why do you think their rhetoric has been so incendiary?

They WANT us to respond with violence against the terror attacks they initiate.

Marxist trannies one afte another killing school kids wasn't doing it, hence direct action in the form of political assassination.

The next attack wil be a bomb used against a Trump campaign stop, mass casualty event.

Bet on it.

War is already upon us. Most don't realize it yet, but they will soon.

DieHeretic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Most cops are shit at doing their job, female cops are ten times worse due to trying to act like they have balls all the time.

Female Secret Service have to be even more fucking useless at their job than your typical female cop, like cluelessly getting in the way of others doing their job useless as we have just witnessed.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

By design, yet again.

No one is safe from the Deep State. No one is invulnerable from what they can do to a person in order to get what they want done including the Secret Service.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personal security is a different animal from what most military are trained for.

Being a bodyguard for a public figure is a different skill set.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone, and another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Turbo cancers through the roof

It's gonna get you too

DieHeretic 5 points ago +5 / -0

In my lifetime, the same candy bar I could buy as a nine year-old kid for $0.10 is now $2.29.

That Mercury silver dime is still worth $2.24 today at melt value.

Only took sixty years. Our "money" is rapidly becoming worthless.

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The polical arm of the MBLA.

Every single time any conservative polician puts forth anti child sexual abuse legislation invariably the democrat alphabet pedos all bleat in unison, "This is anti-gay!"

DieHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

That guy is a paid shill and doesn't even believe any of that shite he posts, he doesn't care he cashes the DNC's checks.

DieHeretic 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is the single largest blow to the adminstrative state's power that could be made outside of a complete overthrow of the federal government.

This is a huge ruling that has immediate and far-reaching implications. No more federal agencies creating law out of thin air.

DieHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The CIA also allowed the assasination the democratically elected president of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem by the generals who took over and ran the country under a military dictatorship, November 1963.

Gee...something else happened around that time, can't remember what it was exactly....

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