It appears that US Corporation may have been reincorporated after 9-11 destruction of evidence. It apparently got dissolved again by Trump, effective date 1-19-21, making “Biden” President of nothing when “installed”, and Trump likely still President of the Republic via devolution.
Bush was likely maintaining defacto control despite others being “front men” for him. Unknown if he retained any official title in US Corp (maybe Chairman? Not sure all mafia crime bosses need official
The competing cabal factions Clinton vs Bush appears to be for show. Bushes treated Clintons like their successors more than rivals. Barbara Bush groomed Hillary from early age, and Bill was given close guidance, logistical training, and CIA coverage by George. Bill Clinton was treated more like a son than George W and Jeb who are both quite dumb (probably from family in-breeding). Barbara Bush likely a close cousin of George and her sister (possibly twin) was Betty White (Hollywood madam and leader of HW grooming ops).
Good questions.
It appears that US Corporation may have been reincorporated after 9-11 destruction of evidence. It apparently got dissolved again by Trump, effective date 1-19-21, making “Biden” President of nothing when “installed”, and Trump likely still President of the Republic via devolution.
Bush was likely maintaining defacto control despite others being “front men” for him. Unknown if he retained any official title in US Corp (maybe Chairman? Not sure all mafia crime bosses need official
The competing cabal factions Clinton vs Bush appears to be for show. Bushes treated Clintons like their successors more than rivals. Barbara Bush groomed Hillary from early age, and Bill was given close guidance, logistical training, and CIA coverage by George. Bill Clinton was treated more like a son than George W and Jeb who are both quite dumb (probably from family in-breeding). Barbara Bush likely a close cousin of George and her sister (possibly twin) was Betty White (Hollywood madam and leader of HW grooming ops).
I believe Neil Bush was the smart one, and he was deployed like Hunter Biden selling Bush influence and helping orchestrate S&L crisis [which was takedown of alt financial system (like Credit Unions) setup by Reagan and Volker?]:
Marvin Bush also likely up to no good:; interesting note in his entry says Neil Bush was part of Ted Cruz finance operation