Buffalo shooter's uncensored bodycam footage of his murderous killing spree.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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I agree that this entire shoot up was a staged presentation.
which begs the question, By Who and why ? what are they trying to achieve ? it's a natural conclusion is to push the gun control agenda, but why would the script-writers include the Nazi connections ?
Surely they don't think the Public will not connect the shooter's bold Nazi symbolism with the recent loud and expensive support, weapons and 40+Billion dollars sent to the Nazi regime of Zelenesky's Ukraine ?
and the US taxpayers are paying the invoices to support serious, authentic Nazis in Ukraine.
Alternatively, if this was a White Hat operation, designed to force that connection, into the Overton Window, which is heavily censored by the usual culprits, that makes sense.