Folks who come through this do need to see a story arc (The Hero's Journey) and ideally it needs to be made personal. So they understand that we can't let this crap happen again. America slept for far too long. And perhaps this is even bigger than that, and we're really talking about a ten thousand + year war. We'll probably never know.
At a certain point if one doesn't see at least some of this, one is too low IQ to be of use, or one is so deep in denial, one is never getting out of that. Only we can free ourselves. I unfortunately/fortunately had to learn this personally.
"Pain is the greatest teacher. But no one wants to take her class."
Agreed to all of that.
Folks who come through this do need to see a story arc (The Hero's Journey) and ideally it needs to be made personal. So they understand that we can't let this crap happen again. America slept for far too long. And perhaps this is even bigger than that, and we're really talking about a ten thousand + year war. We'll probably never know.
At a certain point if one doesn't see at least some of this, one is too low IQ to be of use, or one is so deep in denial, one is never getting out of that. Only we can free ourselves. I unfortunately/fortunately had to learn this personally.
"Pain is the greatest teacher. But no one wants to take her class."