Great article about the TRUTH of the virus, but LONG! Pass it on. Interesting that it is on the NIH website.
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I never mentioned chicken or eggs.. wrong person...did you just copy and paste?
And what you said doesn't change a thing I said...
Doesn't mean they are true...
I stand with you 100%. In all the history of Virology, no virus has ever been isolated and purified.
The very word 'virus' is Latin and means -- 'slime'; 'poison'. The reason 'Germ Theorists' chose this Latin word is because that's exactly what they observed. It is the same reason a virologist will admit a 'virus' is neither alive or dead. Everyone would agree that 'slime' and 'poison' can't possibly be alive or dead. This is why 'viruses' cannot possibly be alive. It's because it is simply 'slime' and 'poison' being viewed. The greatest of lies is Virology. The 'virus' is portrayed as being neither alive or dead, so it takes on a sci-fi portrayal of being 'un-dead' just like in the movies with zombies, Frankenstein, and vampires. The medical cabal uses this quite effectively to frighten the population with something that is suppose to be lurking under every bed.
Since the virus is not isolated and purified, virologists have to invent a full genome in a computer. This is called a – 'In Silico' genome.'In Silico' actually means a computer simulation or in virtual reality. In other words, it is fabricated; fictional; or simply imaginary.
Virologists took a sputum sample from a sick individual in Wuhan hospital with atypical pneumonia and built an In Silico COVID-19 virus genome in the lab computer using a 'BLAST N' tool and mixing this with previous In Silico imaginary computer generated genetic sequences of SARS (Wuhan-Hu-1 virus) and the bat Corona Virus RaTG-13. Then they invoked the computer to rearrange the sputum chemically deluded elixir sample of the Wuhan pneumonia infected individual until it matched the new SARS-2 sequence their computer made-up.
Dr. Tome Cowan explained well how unscientific the current process is for finding a pathogenic virus as the scientists responsible cannot really demonstrate it following the proper way of isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of a so-called infectious agent. This is where Virology completely abandons the scientific method and fabricates a fiction that is entirely based on mythicism. Dr. Cowan articulated that the proper way of “maceration, filtering, and ultra-centrifugation” has never been done not only in SARS-CoV2 but with any so-called pathogenic viruses.
You are absolutely right. People have been bamboozled.
Bacteria is Nature's way of biodegrading 'poisons' (ergo, 'viruses'). To understand this is the 'key' to the kingdom. It is always the method that determines the outcome. To consider the complete environmental effects rather than limit oneself to a reductionist approach is crucial in understanding health.
The narrative really determines how one understands things. Is Koch's Postulate being followed when, for example, a 'virus' has never been isolated in all the history of Virology. No. This fact alone should make us question other 'settled' science like -- Does Germs (not worms or parasites) or bacteria cause disease?
Science is a continuum; a process of current understanding and is never really 'settled'. So, is it a 'guilt' by association scenario or are they merely associated with the real causes? The Correlation/Causation Fallacy is where two events occurring together are taken to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. This however is not the scientific method. Could the presence of the bacteria be for degrading the toxins that are present as a result of 'something' from the environment? Could the bacteria be Nature's cleanup crew for what is already diseased or dead?
We know in Nature bacteria is used to biodegrade what is dead or diseased in the environment. Why would we be any different from anything else in Nature? A poisoned dead pond will produce algae growth. The algae is not good for you and may produce its own toxins, but it exists in Nature to biodegrade the toxins in the pond. It is the poisoned pond that was the cause of the dead pond, not the algae biodegrading the toxins in the pond. We see this understanding at work in municipal waste systems.
The entire problem with Bacteriology and Virology is they fail to follow the scientific method. More precisely, they fail to follow Koch's postulates. What has occurred is their science is a one based on an 'assumption', but not fact.
Beautifully put.thank you
NorthofFrosty is silent though..........
On July 13th, 2020, the CDC published a document called - CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel. On page 39, in a section titled, Performance Characteristics, it states:
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”
The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus. It is unavailable. The CDC has no virus that they have found.
A further tip-off is the use of the word “isolates.” This means no isolated virus is available. Another way to put it:
No one has an isolated specimen of the Covid-19 virus.
Therefore, no one has proved that it exists.
To this day, Koch's principle has not been followed nor the Scientific Method to really demonstrate following the proper way of isolation, purification, identification, and characterization of a so-called infectious agent. Guilt by association is not science.