Clearly you aren't paying attention to land values. We LIVE in Utah in an RV.... A qtr acre costs $300k where we are. We have to be here because we are starting up a business.... So your idea would make it so I can't vote....but I agree that voters should have skin in the game...
You can buy a quarter acre somewhere if you want to vote. It doesn't have to be developed. Every voter should own a piece of what they're controlling.
Clearly you aren't paying attention to land values. We LIVE in Utah in an RV.... A qtr acre costs $300k where we are. We have to be here because we are starting up a business.... So your idea would make it so I can't vote....but I agree that voters should have skin in the game...
If you losing your vote takes away a few million welfare city dwellers votes i think we can fix the land value problem next.