Q said "we" are returning the power to the ppl (governance of, by, and for) and that the U.S. is first, followed by the rest of nations/humanity.
Trump said "you're gonna love how this ends, it'll be glorious" (not verbatim) and of course the Biblical reference by Q.
I highly doubt this movie ends with the crowning of nation king's... unless... you-know-who returns to finish off his battle vs the dark, usurous tribe?
I agree.
Q said "we" are returning the power to the ppl (governance of, by, and for) and that the U.S. is first, followed by the rest of nations/humanity.
Trump said "you're gonna love how this ends, it'll be glorious" (not verbatim) and of course the Biblical reference by Q.
I highly doubt this movie ends with the crowning of nation king's... unless... you-know-who returns to finish off his battle vs the dark, usurous tribe?