2-4-94 Finkle is Einhorn https://rumble.com/vdsxr7-finkle-is-einhorn-einhorn-is-finkle.html ...from Ace Ventura (1994) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0109040/
5-18-98 Microsoft anti-trust charges filed: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/microsoft-antitrust.asp; “Microsoft Silicon Valley was established in Mountain View, California in 1981”: https://news.microsoft.com/stories/microsoft-silicon-valley/
9-04-98 Google origin story is fabricated: https://about.google/our-story/; Google setup as “backup” immediately after it became clear MSFT anti-trust charges would not be dismissed; Google HQ is Mountain View, CA; Were there obscure MSFT “divisions” shed by Microsoft as part of anti-trust settlement that were later acquired by GOOG?
8-11-15 First mention of Google reorg indicates something happening behind the scenes in 2015: https://thenextweb.com/news/google-is-reorganizing-under-a-new-umbrella-company-called-alphabet
2-07-17 Google “algorithm update”: https://www.gsqi.com/marketing-blog/google-algorithm-update-february-7-2017/
9-04-17 Google reorg completed exactly 19 years after “founding”: https://techcrunch.com/2017/09/04/google-parent-alphabet-forms-holding-company-xxvi-to-complete-2015-corporate-reorganization/; A few news reports out as early as 9-1-17, see filing for effective date.
10-20-20 Groundwork being carefully laid for Google (aka DARPA/CIA) breakup: https://www.reuters.com/article/tech-antitrust-google-idUSKBN2751PB
So, So Damn Insane decides to tell the world about the US bioloabs in Iraq. Boom goes the dynamite. Makes so much sense now. Near Russia, UN sent in to 'inspect the weapons'. Talk about a Yuge production.
Gaddafi also. No wonder Ron Paul was talking of 'blow back'.
Gaddaffi is a whole ‘nother rabbit hole.
He discovered primary water drilling for oil in the desert. Not really an acquifer under the sahara. It is a deep, deep reservoir of pure, clean water of virtually infinite amount (it may be self-replenishing). He got killed for that and trying to peg currency to gold. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Great-Man-Made-River
I’m still trying to figure out how deep to go because it (or similar) appears to be accessible from Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and likely California.
Note that the weird stuff about US recognizing Morrocco control of Western Sahara is likely about water rights control. Morrocco is a Patriot friendly.
Devils Hole had a Tsunami https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6h82PIi_-0