She threw up bile and is twitching rght now. if i touch her stomach she cries out to me like she's saying "help me this hurts really bad".
I've never seen her be this way. She's 17 years old. She's laying down now but still twitching. I know animals try to hide their pain from their owners. No vet is open so I suppose I'll take her in the morning. I hate the idea of saying "oh do i spend money on her, or do i think hmm she's really old and getting worse'
But most of her days are good. I mean she sleeps and eats. Occasionally wants to play. I'm sure the vet will say to do some xrays and other stuff. I just don't know.
Maybe she has something else going on then. Definintely bring her to a vet to see what they say. They'll probably draw some blood to run some diagnostic tests. Good luck!
Thanks yep first thing in the morning