Dang it. I'm six out of eight. Guess I'm not a white supremacist . Gonna have to give back my Klan hoodie and buy a Toyota Prius. I'm so sad. Maybe next week I'll get the gumption to get a job and then pay for a new college anti-inclusive racial degree. What will I tell my Klan buddies? Sorry, boys, I just don't fit into the club any more. Oh, the humanity.
Dang it. I'm six out of eight. Guess I'm not a white supremacist . Gonna have to give back my Klan hoodie and buy a Toyota Prius. I'm so sad. Maybe next week I'll get the gumption to get a job and then pay for a new college anti-inclusive racial degree. What will I tell my Klan buddies? Sorry, boys, I just don't fit into the club any more. Oh, the humanity.