posted ago by PrayerWarrior419 ago by PrayerWarrior419 +43 / -0

Anyone who has ever gotten the chicken pox or the vaccine for chicken pox as a child is already armed with the virus for shingles and this virus can easily be reactivated by tremendous amounts of stress. Luckily, shingles are not as contageous or itchy like chicken pox, but they can hurt and cause nerve pain that could last long after the rash and blisters are gone. I was only 15 when I got shingles and I remember ny doctor telling me this exact thing. She said its more common among the elderly, and asked if I had been under alot of stress. On top of dealing with life as a teenager including being constantly bullied at school, I was also dealing with an abusive stepfather and a mother who was in complete denial for moneys sake. That's all in the past, but think about how well this is set up for today. They had to do almost nothing to create this new pandemic. Most everyone we know either had chicken pox as a child or mothers were coherced by pediatricians and school policies to have their children vaccinated for such. Just add in the stress and mental trauma the entire globe has suffered the last 2 years with a pandemic, wars and rumors of wars, food shortages, lockdowns, and the threat of an entire satanic globalist take-over. They're pushing hard enough to reactivate whats already in our bodies and rebranding it. I was lucky enough not to have the nerve pain or damage and it cleared up in less than 2 weeks with Calamine lotion, neosporin, and a prescribed anti-inflamatory. Not a doctor, just speaking from the perspective of personal experience.