MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

What the hell is wrong with people? Good people will have to do evil to stop a worse evil. Jesus, we need you now.

MoveBaby 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm 73 and have never had a tetanus shot. As a child growing up in the country, I have stepped on more rusty nails and barbed wire than I can count. When I was about 4 or 5, I stepped on a rusty one that went all the way thru my foot. Daddy pulled it out and poured turpentine on my foot. That stuff burned like my foot was on fire. Within a few days I was as good as new. Some of the old remedies work better than modern medicine without the side effects or the huge price tag.

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never took the jab or got a test. Never taken a flu or pneumonia shot. Never had a tetanus shot but stepped on lots of rusty stuff as a child of the fifties. No vaccines except smallpox and polio as a child. I have never been religious but do believe in God. Bible says God has a plan for all of us. So I don't worry about covid or flu or nuclear war. God is in control and I trust God.

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's all we had left to send. Biden already gave them all our money.

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, you show him. I'm sure when Putin hears of your demise he will be racked with guilt.

MoveBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never had anything injected in me, but I remember getting the scratch thing on the upper arm and a lot of people, children and adults, lined up at the local school where nurses in uniform placed a sugar cube in each persons mouth. I know there was some type of drug on the cube but I was not even old enough to go to school yet so I have no idea what it was for. This was in the early 50's. Maybe polio and smallpox.

MoveBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm 70 and high risk. Was actually in the hospital for 2 weeks, (emergency surgery).
Never wore a mask. No hand sanitizer everywhere. No social distancing. Went wherever I wanted. Never got tested. Never got the shot. Never got covid.

MoveBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

Consider the context it is being used in. I'm 70 and born & raised in the south. If you are nice and respectful or helpful to me, I will say "Bless your heart". If you are an assh0le then you get my other bless your heart. Trust me. You will know the difference. Just keep doing what you're doing and.

MoveBaby 3 points ago +3 / -0

The public libraries where I live require Picture ID to use their computers. They log your info and assign you a computer.

MoveBaby 4 points ago +4 / -0

I actually think most of these mothers are hoping the baby will die from the jab. They have to be aware of the danger verses the benefits to the baby. I think they see a chance of getting rid of the child and garner a little sympathy for themself. Maybe a future windfall for their loss?

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Math is hard. It's harder when you're stupid. As a woman, I hate to admit there are a lot of stupid women out there.

MoveBaby 3 points ago +3 / -0

You may be right. He is an atheist yet is thanking God for not being turned into a pirate as a child. I don't think the real Maher would actually that God for anything.

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm 70 and had chicken pox as a child. Early in the hoaxdemic I got shingles. It split my head down the middle. It was like a boundary line was drawn and the blisters and pain took over the left side and the right side was unaffected. The blisters went from the back of my neck around the jawline and stopped the middle of my upper chest. Blusters went into my left ear and to the center of my scalp. That was the most painful thing I have ever gone thru. I truly think that if I had a gun I would have blown my head off to stop the pain. But there was an unexpected bonus. I had thin grayish yellow hair that was a problem getting the Calamine on the head blisters. Got so disgusted and in pain one night I took the scissors and cut all my hair off. I scrubbed all the scabs and blisters off i could and rubbed the Calamine in liberally. The pain began to lessen. When the scabs were finally gone I took a razor and shaved my head. My kids thought I had lost my mind, the grandkids loved it. I was bald for about 3 months until the hair had grown back enough to go out in public but there was nowhere to go because of the lockdowns. When I could finally get to a salon to fix what I had done, I had a beautiful head of thick, silvery-gray hair. At least I got something good out of all that misery.

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember my mom who had 12 babies making that formula. I was #5 and had to help with the younger ones. She breast feed the ones who were born at home, which was most of us. She was 48 when the last was born and I remember she breastfeed and made the bottles. The last 3 or 4 she couldn't produce enough milk to feed by breastmilk alone. Did not know it was an actual recipe. Always thought it was just something women came up with to help the poor producers.

MoveBaby 0 points ago +0 / -0

Not nearly as devastating as it is to the innocent baby.

MoveBaby 2 points ago +2 / -0

But by the way she's scratching, she may have a head full of lice.

MoveBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

I once had a black assistant manager who had a baby girl. I called her to get details to post in our company newsletter. When I asked her name the mother said she had to spell it because she could not pronounce it, That was just sad.

MoveBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

1st rule of life is NEVER HURT YOURSELF!!! People who harm themselves fall into two categories. They are selfish and are only concerned with their pain and care nothing for the pain they cause the ones they leave behind. OR. they have WEAK minds. With what the world will soon be facing, we don't need either to hold the rest back. God has a plan for us all. Perhaps this is His plan for them. Everyone dies. Nobody gets out alive. If it is someone you cared about...say a prayer and keep living your life.

MoveBaby 4 points ago +4 / -0

Purchase manual can openers. Lots of them. Even the expensive one won't last more than a few months opening all those cans of beans.

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