Do you think Clinton is fighting for her life ? 😁 Oh my goodness it's getting good folks !!
💥 B O O O O O M 💥
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My thinking is expanded, thank you. Expanded enough to hold the thought that Durham could fail in the back of my mind. How about you.
So Durham will unseal these 200k indictments, and go to trial for every single one. The DS places assets in the courtroom, and we're all out of luck. Then the military steps in. Would double jeopardy not apply here? Or have we reached full blown martial law preceded by a military coup by that point.
So far I seem to only be "fighting" two people for asking a question.
Would double jeopardy apply or not? It's a clause within the 5th amendment, and these amendments are limitations placed on government. The military is part of the executive branch, last I looked.
How is raising that concern reaching? Or do you not wanna consider it.
If we have it all, we know who is involved. If we have enough sway to make them flip on their cabal leaders or cut the strings, if we have enough power to prompt a string of "covid comms" and/or disappear these people in the dead of night for future military tribunals, wouldn't it have been far more effective to have these people publically admit their crimes? They go to court and get off scot-free, showing us all how bad the system is, then the military moves in.