posted ago by Retaining_H2O ago by Retaining_H2O +31 / -0

The Biden family, the Kerry family, McConnell and MANY high level politicians including some Pentagon staff either have accepted money from China (CCP owned) or they have investments or business in China (again CCP owned).

When China attacks Taiwan, and our Pentagon fails to do anything about it ( violates our promises to Taiwan), congress stands down and refuses to help Taiwan (after just giving $40 Billion to Ukraine) and the Biden Administration refuses to help Taiwan... then every one of them who sold out to China and accepted campaign help, loans, etc... is guilty of treason against the USA. Since the charges will be aiding an enemy in time of war, it could go straight to arrests and military tribunals. This would no longer be a civil matter... not for civilian courts.

Perhaps this is part of the plan.