What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related
In today's thread I want to take a moment and welcome all the newQs (lets make this a new word?) amongst us. For too long, seeing a comment or a post from the "handshakes" usually meant a shill or a troll coming to stir trouble. Lately I have noticed that a lot of these new users are posting insightful content.
I can only dare to dream that this is an indication of the Great Awakening hitting masses and some of them finding their way here.
If you are a newQ, feel free to introduce yourself in this thread!
Wondering about user flair and icons, I assume these are given by mods? Also my old popcorn has probably gone off by now 😅 would really be nice to see some arrests, and not feel like such an outsider in Australia, where everyone is focused on politics as normal... In SA basically everyone wore masks until 'Mandates were lifted' recently.. it seems basically everyone here are NPCs... shockingly complicit... if she won... Game over!?! So thx for this forum, thx for Q. I'm guessing since the messaging has seemed very much controlled disclosure, if and when arrests happen, it's not like there will be footage from lower levels of DUMBs coming out, nor discussion of where our DNA comes from etc.. really would be nice though..