What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related
In today's thread I want to take a moment and welcome all the newQs (lets make this a new word?) amongst us. For too long, seeing a comment or a post from the "handshakes" usually meant a shill or a troll coming to stir trouble. Lately I have noticed that a lot of these new users are posting insightful content.
I can only dare to dream that this is an indication of the Great Awakening hitting masses and some of them finding their way here.
If you are a newQ, feel free to introduce yourself in this thread!
I didn't notice it either, and I have the magazine;) then realized that any disaster at Mt. R. would affect my area too, so started paying attention; looks like Lincoln is covered in ashes maybe??
and notice the Q disc below the final G&E in title. so we know this is all Q related/coded.
also read that they hid images of George Washington on the covers, but I haven't found any yet.
Q left a lot of crumbs🥸
Wow! You are definitely the one person here I am most envious of!!
Here is some interesting number 17 trivia if you have not heard it before:
JFK Jr's wife Carolyn's birthdate: January 7 (written as 1/7 in US dates)
Princess Diana birthdate: July 1 (written as 1/7 in British dates)
Now wait for it ...
Nikola Tesla's birthdate: July 10 (Written as 10/7 in Europe where he was born)
Tesla's death date: January 7 (Written as 1/7 in US where he died).
If you remove the zero in Tesla's birthday, they are all "17" !!
wow that's awesome, never thought to look up tesla and 17, that will keep me busy for awhile. and didnt know that about Princes Di, shows how intricate Q is/planning before people are born/ surreal to think about!
And a few more 17s🇺🇸;
SD is 17th largest state.
Iron Mountain road around Mt. Rushmore is 17 miles long. Crazy Horse memorial is 17 miles away, and Custer state park is 71,000 square miles.
And, when Doane Robinson planned Mt. R, he took 17 friends to the Black Hills to visit.
Also, the natives believe the area is an Axis_Mundi, but that's another post & it would involve curses and Gold⚡️
Getting goosebumps. This Plan stretches far back than we can imagine, and originally it might just have been something like "Guardian of the humanity". Someone needs to dig into historic accounts for number 17 connections, I wont be surprised if it goes all the way back.
BTW, there is a strong connection between Trump, JFK Jr and Princess Di. I remember digging a while ago and finding out that Di went to meet Trump and JFK Jr just a year or so before her "death". And then 2 years later Jr dies.
exactly think the 17s go way back, maybe a secret society within a secret society, and that's how they identified each other🤔
(search for '17' from george magazine about John Quincy Adams, etc.) https://archive.org/details/bookofpoliticall00eski/page/32/mode/2up?q=17
and one more;
this is the Presidential Trail around Mt. R. notice it's similar to a Q and George Washington isn't #1, he's 17!🇺🇸 need to figure out who designed the trail.