What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
How do you all envision the Post Awakened world? What would the society be like? Especially the Tech side of the society? There have been some discussions about this lately and we have passionate pedes on all sides of this question.
We can make this today's suggested theme, but remember, this is a open thread your comments do not need to be related with this theme.
I am not a financial advisor, just some ideas.
Make sure as much of your wealth is in your hands as possible. Assume that ATMs, banks etc will be down. So better to keep some cash on hand. Regardless of ATMs etc, the US federal reserve notes and all western central bank currencies are bound to lose all their value when the Fed gets destroyed. So better to have some of the savings as gold and silver. However, it should be money you wont need anytime soon. Once you buy metals, be able to forget about it, until the storm arrives.
Also, stock up food. Long life stuff. Staples needed like rice, flour, etc. Have a portable gas stove and plenty of cartridges. Make sure you have plenty of water at all times.
If you are in 2nd amendment country, then stock up on enough ammo.
Thank you! Seems my checklist is in order. Now I just have to convince my folks to take some precautions as well.
And failing that, you just have to stock up extra for them, that's one of our jobs, beyond shitposting and memeing!
Right! Will have to buy in bulk for them. Will have to make sure there's enough to last everyone for a good long while as well. Don't know just how long the storm will last!
I am hoping it wont last more than 10-14 days, purely because most people who have not prepared wont last beyond that ...