Yeah, well we Boomers have had a good run, so "for the children" and something something environment-global-warming something something we should just take an overdose of our meds and go quietly into that good night.... Is that what she's suggesting?
For starters, I have a little list, and once all the people on that list go first, I will consider it. Here are the top people on my list, just so they know it's time for them to take one for the team:
Joe Biden
Chuck Schumer
Nazi Pelosi
George Soros
The Demwit Party en toto
Adam Schitt
There, that's a good start. I will watch the "news" to see if y'all comply, so I can know when it's time to join that movement.
Yeah, well we Boomers have had a good run, so "for the children" and something something environment-global-warming something something we should just take an overdose of our meds and go quietly into that good night.... Is that what she's suggesting?
For starters, I have a little list, and once all the people on that list go first, I will consider it. Here are the top people on my list, just so they know it's time for them to take one for the team:
Joe Biden
Chuck Schumer
Nazi Pelosi
George Soros
The Demwit Party en toto
Adam Schitt
There, that's a good start. I will watch the "news" to see if y'all comply, so I can know when it's time to join that movement.