At this point GME is basically the stock equivalent of gold & silver. If you think gold & silver is a ponzi and should be worth $0, please put all your money into dollars. And keep it in dollars even after a financial market reset when they'll be worth $0. And keep using those dollars while everyone else is dealing in the Yuan reserve currency or whatever it is. Fewer and fewer people around the world will accept US dollars, but whatever, if it's not a dollar it's a PONZI.
At this point GME is basically the stock equivalent of gold & silver. If you think gold & silver is a ponzi and should be worth $0, please put all your money into dollars. And keep it in dollars even after a financial market reset when they'll be worth $0. And keep using those dollars while everyone else is dealing in the Yuan reserve currency or whatever it is. Fewer and fewer people around the world will accept US dollars, but whatever, if it's not a dollar it's a PONZI.
I've made a handsome amount of wealth already. I think I'll stay
Please explain your stance. Please enlighten us all if you think you've figured it all out
Edit, I'm quoting you:
That has been said about: the Dollar
That has been said about: the Real Estate market
That has been said about: Gold & Silver
That has been said about: Value Stocks (which GME is)
That has been said about: the Bond Market
Where should we put our money, intelligent one ? Give us something substantial rather than baseless insults thrown around at everyone else.