The time it takes to educate your kids is tough. Loss of an income plus the spouse being with the child 24/7 is sometimes hard. But if you have the fortitude to see it through until graduation, then the kids will come out a lot better off than their friends. Get them out of the indoctrination centers. Use you own talents to teach your children. Two hundred years ago parents had to teach their kids, no reason for that to happen today.
It was not easy! My wife was amazing. The oldest was self motivated, but the youngest was an uphill battle. I found that just sitting with him when came home from work and reading his work with him and asking him the questions really helped with his comprehension and motivation. He just wanted some time with me, and being with him when he was still working helped. He was always the last to finish, but made it through.
The time it takes to educate your kids is tough. Loss of an income plus the spouse being with the child 24/7 is sometimes hard. But if you have the fortitude to see it through until graduation, then the kids will come out a lot better off than their friends. Get them out of the indoctrination centers. Use you own talents to teach your children. Two hundred years ago parents had to teach their kids, no reason for that to happen today.
It was not easy! My wife was amazing. The oldest was self motivated, but the youngest was an uphill battle. I found that just sitting with him when came home from work and reading his work with him and asking him the questions really helped with his comprehension and motivation. He just wanted some time with me, and being with him when he was still working helped. He was always the last to finish, but made it through.