He has over a hundred million Americans that hate his guts for what this country has been through because he lacked the balls to challenge a stolen election.
Seriously, if you want four more years like the four under this demented Democrap then pick Pence, and we will continue on the cabal's left right left march into hell.
Shirley you can't be serious?
...I see what you did there....
Pence can bend over and open.
He has over a hundred million Americans that hate his guts for what this country has been through because he lacked the balls to challenge a stolen election.
Seriously, if you want four more years like the four under this demented Democrap then pick Pence, and we will continue on the cabal's left right left march into hell.
The MAGA king vs the FAGAT king? (Forget About the Great American Treason)
Anyone who actually votes for them will be sheeple forever.
he's only going to embarrass himself, or expose himself.