Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0


United States v. United States of America https://www.supremelaw.org/letters/us-v-usa.htm

https://www.google.com/search?q=Organic+act+of+1871&sitesearch=youhavetheright.com (These load pdfs of the Organic Act of 1871)

Basically, my meager understanding is that DC was made corporation, not the entirety of the USA. Hence the difference in law terminology "United States " (gov) vs "United States of America" (states). DC was given Federal Commerce. (They control the money).



Once again...Sneaky sneak... "Oh, we must protect the black people!" (Good thing, but...) So, how are we going to do it? Not by passing a law against violence in general.. let's put elections under the government! Let's take away the rights of anyone (we perceive to be) doing bad things! WEF/Cabal/Leftie/Woke/Evil thinking at it's finest.

Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bud is done at this point. They deserve to be. If the market demands it, others will step in and the farmers will be supported.

Hellann 9 points ago +9 / -0

If I were to go with the paranoid side, I would say it sounded like a "showing" for the couple. Are they interested kind of thing.

If it was just normal assumptions, I would think that weird uncle,/grandpa had the kid because of family emergency type of thing and didn't really know what to do with him and was in no shape to chase after him. So, was like.. ok.. we'll go to the park, but you're staying right here. Couple could just be late for reservations or on a road trip or the cheating dogwalkers..lol.

It does sound weird, but people Are weird.

Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even IF they were correct.. they voted for Biden.

Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first lady had children, yeah and went "lesbian" (is living with a partner) because of the trauma. Definitely defensive don't want man maneuver.

The second lady had dated at least one man and I think she finally broke mentally from the abuse from her father. Again, it looked to me as a protective measure. She never had kids.

I don't think either ever had therapy or support. So, idk. I find it exceedingly sad that they were so damaged.

Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0

One lady I know was abused by her husband, so she "turned lesbian" because she couldn't trust men again.

Another lady was abused by her dad .. took her years, but she eventually decided she was lesbian.

Hellann 18 points ago +18 / -0

Where's that "always has been" meme when you need it..lol

Hellann 4 points ago +4 / -0

I only bought from Starbucks once, years ago. It was in an airport and I got a hot chocolate. It was the most disgusting stuff. People with me agreed after tasting it.. I had 2 sips total.. had others try it then it went in the trash. Yuck! Then, finding out about their views, their whole company went in my boycott pile. Good Riddance!

Hellann 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, just by the pic, we can assume he's going for a Chevy or a random SS.. lol

Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take time out of the battles this season for Remembering... Brothers and Friends and the Reason for the Season! Jesus, our Savior. Blessings to All.

Hellann 1 point ago +1 / -0


Hellann 3 points ago +3 / -0

What will you teach the children? Marriage is a committed effort and if you're pulling in different directions, you just make everything even harder.

Obviously, no couple will agree on everything 100%. But making sure your Faith, Politics and Family views mesh will boost your success.

Hellann 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of people are already Boycotting Target, Disney, Nike and more. Spread the word! Basically, if they have an esg score, they probs deserve a boycott..lol

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