Klaus Schwab is not at the top of the pyramid. A man named Pepe Orsini might be there. The man occupies a position called the grey pope. He controls the white pope(Francis) and the Black pope(Jesuit who controls the white pope). Both the black and white popes are commoners now. The real masters have slipped into the background. The Rothschilds have NOTHING on these guys. These are the Zoroastrian/Saturnalian bloodlines dating back to the medieval Italian states, the Roman Empire, Phoenicians, Babylonians, the Canaanites or even Cain himself.
Zoroastrian/Saturnalians: Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese, Aldobrandini, Borgia, Chigi, Colonna, Conti, Este, Medici, Pallavicini, and Pamphili.
Orion/Tiger/Lion: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Onassis, DuPont, Van Dun, Astor, Li, Russell, Merovingian and/or Payseur, Freeman, Collins, Kennedy, and Bundy
Orion affiliates: Oppenheimer, Greys, Reynolds, Oppenheims, Krupps(who was Hitler’s handler?), Disney, McDonald, MacDonald, Donalds(sometimes), Carnegie, Morgan, etc.
Can you imagine getting to snub your nose at the fucking Rothschilds for being too plebeian? Lmao. It makes sense why Joe was forced to run on his fake ass “working class” background. It was basically a humiliation ritual in its own right.
There are so many theories about this stuff, and so much contradicts, which is the purpose. I hope we get the "clean" version of history eventually.