I have not read every q drop, i did not know about rhe two lanterns like in tge pic on the right. I have seen that pucture in other internet searches and want to take that pucture to a tattoo artist. I think the "ONe if by land, two if by see is an important under taught aspect of American history.
Also similar to Washington crossing the Delaware. Sure its taught a bit in school, but few people realizes how starategic George was; on Christmas he wanted to stack bodies.
I have not read every q drop, i did not know about rhe two lanterns like in tge pic on the right. I have seen that pucture in other internet searches and want to take that pucture to a tattoo artist. I think the "ONe if by land, two if by see is an important under taught aspect of American history.
Also similar to Washington crossing the Delaware. Sure its taught a bit in school, but few people realizes how starategic George was; on Christmas he wanted to stack bodies.