Baby Formula - 15% Memorial Day Sale
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Baby Formula Click on the leaf at top for deals or coupons varies items.
Why such a drastic reduction? I would be avoiding this one as it might be tampered with especially at this time and FF climate. The DS do not care about babies - they are used for sacrifice in more ways than we know. While tempting if desperate, something does not add up.
This picture presented in not the ORIGINAL picture poster put up! The original showed the formula around $5.00 a tin. Where is the original pic you put up? My comment was - such a drastic reduction - there is no drastic reduction in prices in this picture.
I’m the original poster of both links. I’m not affiliated with iherb or Vitacost stores online. I’m sharing as a curtesy. It’s up to each individual to do their research on products they buy. Both of these online stores are reputable and many people seeking natural products shop here. Vitacost doesn’t have the best search filter functions. The baby formula search might bring up all “baby” related items that might be $5.00 If you don’t want to purchase don’t!
Thank you. Thanks for clarifying. We have to realise we are dealing with minds so evil that reducing the cost of infant formula to a price that parents would rush out and buy would be something these psychopaths would do to get their desired goal. We have to have our heads on a swivel, as Q has stated, see something say something, be vigilant, etc. We must be aware of our surroundings. Avoid crowds etc. These shootings will see an uptick as little children, so innocent, just like little babies tug at the very heart strings of humanity. This is why they chose the most vulnerable among us! My husband and I were talking only today and most school shootings involve young white males. Those that have no idea of MKULTRA need to research it. The ONLY purpose is to remove your 2nd. Our guns were removed AFTER a young white male went to a tourist spot and killed 35 people, including children and injured 23 others. In a population of just 20million at the time this was devastating. We as a family had already booked airfare and a RV to tour that state. I rang to see if Port Arthur was open and I was told yes - please come. I remember the Ranger at the entry saying don’t engage the staff in any way in conversation. Some had just come back to work and many were present when it happened. But they needed to see the crowds and the crowds were somewhat part of the healing process. Not long after the Conservative government in Australia voted to remove our guns. I often remember the killers face. Spaced out. Eyes so weird looking. A loner. Today, you can own a gun, but there are many processes and there are political gun parties and shooting ranges, so for those saying you cannot, it’s not true. But if things went belly up we would not stand a chance against an invading enemy. That I leave in God’s Hands.